The Debate


boldfart's picture

From the BBC:



Before Thursday evening, many Americans had expressed concerns about Joe Biden’s age and fitness for office. To say that this debate did not put those concerns to rest may be one of the greatest understatements of the year.

The president came into the debate with a low bar to clear, and he stumbled. He was flat. He was rambling. He was unclear.

Roughly midway through the debate, the Biden campaign told reporters that the president was battling a cold - an attempt to explain his raspy voice. That may be so, but it also sounded like an excuse.

For 90 minutes, more often than not, Joe Biden was on the ropes. Particularly early in the evening, some of his answers were nonsensical. After losing his train of thought he ended one answer by saying, “We finally beat Medicare” – an odd reference to the government run healthcare programme for the elderly.

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hello kitty's picture

Everything's fine. The Emperor totally has clothes.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You guy's seem to forget that Trump was telling nothing but lies, i think il choose the guy who pulled the economy all the way up.

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boldfart's picture

42% of Americans believe that the universe is 6,000 years old !  The facts do not matter , perceptions matter not facts. They will end up having the president they deserve.


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n0val33t's picture
front page

Most of the world thinks that the Egyptians were a singular dynasty lasting 3000 years.... there were nearly 40 and they fell hard every single one of them into famine and chaos! If they only understood, you have to rotate crops and salt is bad, we be walking on the moon in in crocks right now.... 

On a second note "They will end up having the president they deserve." We .... or the entire world carry the burden when radical US-hamfisted policy changes.




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hello kitty's picture

Economy? Up? HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

FOX told you otherwise? How that does not surprise me, economy is way up, and unemployment is lower then it has ever been, i don't know where you get your news, but a little birdy tells me it is FOX or X

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jdt73's picture

From the same people who bought you:

He will start WW3

Pee pee tape

Good people on both sides

Russian collusion

Quid pro quo

Over throw the government

Here it comes... HE TELLS LIES.


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique


Biden never said any of these things about Trump but Trump did lie, you are talking about the internet shows and some media that may have lied.

And it is not because the opposition lies that the other guy can't lie. Black and white much?

how about both gray

You ever heard the phrase not seeing the trees trough the forest 

The right has no class or no spine they are boot and ass lickers of trump,

"yes master i will do everything you say, plz make me a great man too."

Not understanding what greatness is. neither will they ever know, their priorities in life are wrong.

They think about giving speeches not about communicating

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

As I feared it was dementia versus nutcase. 


So it is even more really bad vs. totally flawed than last time round.

Not really to be envied the american people having to choose between mentally unfit and mentally unfit and vicious.

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Pdub's picture

I think Biden is surrounded by better people/advisors than Trump.  I'm sure Trump just has yes men around him or other enablers for his trash talk.  Sure Trump is a strong guy, and Biden is probably too old to continue to be president, which means we end up with Kamala Harris.  Every possibility is a bad one.

I really don't want either of these guys in office.  Both parties can do much much better than this.  It's embarrassing. 

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lawngnome's picture

The Pharaoh just showed he couldn't run the Sed jubilee.

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hello kitty's picture

All of a sudden ....ALLLL of a sudden political loyalists suddenly see Joe is too old to run. All of a sudden. Do any of them realize how stupid they look to everyone now? Nah, everyone who knew this months ago is the (choose derogatory lable), rofl.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This was not "all of a sudden" by all means!
Between Biden and the vicious, incompetent lying idiot the question always was "which one is less unfit for office?" Of course here trump "wins" with a landslide.


I still maintain Biden was chosen as a candidate they could afford to waste and even the democrats were surprised he won. 

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