Thu, 2018-10-11 03:00 — puttefnask "Kanye West Is What Happens When Negros Don't Read!" Bakari Sellers Video of "Kanye West Is What Happens When Negros Don't Read!" Bakari Sellers I forgot to add a description! 4.75 Average: 4.8 (4 votes)
(Long Spike)
Observe and Report is what the news media should be doing, and used to do.
Dissinformation, Speculation and Polarity is what we have now.
They have begun reporting on their foe in their own broadcasts.
-I've seen CNN and Fox both being like, "Look what those evil people over there are thinking".
(Old Spike)
"Observe and Report is what the news media should be doing, and used to do. "
And in the developed world they still mostly do.
(Old Spike)
Black man defends party of the KKK by saying Kanye is what happens when negroes can't read so good.