The Dial Comes To Town

daftcunt's picture

The Dial Comes To Town

That's yummy!!

Average: 5 (3 votes)


stokkebye's picture

My fucking dad still had these in 90's, Took forever to call all my freinds to find out where they all at. 

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boldfart's picture

Oh how awful for you.


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boldfart's picture

I used to help my dad fix Strowger switches in the late 50's early 60's for the GPO my fingers were nimble (then) and soldering was good then and still pretty good now.

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stokkebye's picture

HA! Knew it! 

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stokkebye's picture

You must have been the old guy complaining about the "new" rotary phone and not being able to connect to an operator, right? Oldfart! WHat are you like 80 yrs old or something? 

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boldfart's picture

70 plus  but never used one of those hang up phones. Rotary pulsed phones still work on current land lines, and to connect to the operator just dial "0"     Do you need to broadcast any more or your ignorance and bad manners?

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stokkebye's picture

"Oh how awful for you." You fired the first shot.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why do you have to "spoil" every post with your weird, retarded comments? 

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boldfart's picture

I try to be sympathetic, then everyone jumps all over me!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I wasn't replying to you but to the retard!

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boldfart's picture

I know that my good man!

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stokkebye's picture

Still adapting to the internet? Awe, poor old man. 


Thats rich comin from the person that only makes ad hominem attacks in commets! Go fuck yourself Dumbcunt! I.e. Pooltards, Trumptards, etc...

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phanto's picture

I really hate the original dial tone

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