Before the couple of dick heads who hate me for having a different opinion give this a 1 star, this is not a troll video and it isn't shitting on the movie. I think he does a good job actually explaining some of the deeper issues involved in why this movie is being presented as a big deal.
(7 votes)
(Long Spike)
Saw the movie. It was good. The hype, social media craze, portrayal as reality rather than fantasy all over the place, and thinking that "We would have the technology of Wakanda if whitey didn't fuck us over during colonialism" is unfortunate and pretty ridiculous. I liked the approach to the superhero genre and again it was a good movie. Seeing the movie and not all of the hype and I would be stunned to then see all of the psychosis.
(Long Spike)
FullAutoGal, what was your favorite scene in Black Panther, now that you've for sure seen it?
(Old Spike)
Who told you I've seen the movie? Your deductive reasoning skills need sharpening.
And why do I need to see the movie when the topic I'm addressing is the reaction to it? As Tracy states in the video, if black people watch this and are motivated to break free from the victim class mentality placed on them by far left white Marxists, that's great.
(Long Spike)
I'm pointing out that you're pooping your pants over something you haven't even seen yet. Seems a bit stupid for you to do so, right?
(Short Spike)
Without wikipedia give a meaningful eldescription of Marzism or its summerizing ethos. You have no fucking clue what actual Marxism is and have not seen this movie.
Just be a fucking racist idiot and stop pretending.to justify with this psuedo- anaylitical BS. You'll feel better.
When I came out to my family as a total fag the liberation was uncomfoetable at first but excuses and lies went to the wind.
Do the same white trash be your true KKK redneck self and stay proud
(Long Spike)
its a comic book movie.. Nobody is politicizing a comic book movie.. What the fuck?
(Old Spike)
I think this cultural BS is hilarious. It's a movie set in a fantastical part of Africa. WTF does it have to with American people who happen to be black besides the marketing hooks they threw in to drum up more box office sales?
Not, I haven't seen it & haven't watched this review/commentary either. Anything with piano background music is trying too hard.
It seems like a half-decent popcorn flick based on what RLM said about it.
(Long Spike)
Semi-spoilers, I guess...but it's fairly obvious: the main villain is a Wakandan who was raised in America. His entire goal is to arm all disenfranchised people of color with futuristic weapons so they can cause havoc and destabilize all power structures. They specifically mention sending futuristic weapons to New York, Chicago, and Las Angeles.
(Old Spike)
Ooh okay. Well I guess that's prety relevant to BLM type folks.
(Old Spike)
Saw this movie last night and am glad to say I was wrong about it playing safe. The preview doesn't do it justice, I really enjoyed it. Solid acting performances & great car chase.
The fact that black Americans think it has anything to do with them is ridiculous. It's a fantasy story set in another continent. I dunno how it was marketed but the movie itself doesn't borrow anything from black American culture. There are narratives on redicalisation & ghettos & such but there's nothing specifally African-American in the movie at all. I'm gobsmacked that this is even an issue.