Donation bins claim another.


stokkebye's picture

Just natural selection working itself out.

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sli0701948's picture

Bin that bin. lol

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Why do people climb into these bins?

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danmanjones's picture

homeless people sleep in them

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GKhan's picture

Pretty sure Salavation Army is open every day of the week now in most metro places.

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NoToucH's picture

"There are so many risks and things that can take your life when you are homeless...and donation bins shouldnt be one of them..."

Uh dont fucking climb into containers?? And risks and things that can take your life? that counts for everyone. I dont think the donationbin nessesaraly targets homeless people specificly huh, but thats how he makes it sound.


I guess some of them are homeless because they are fucking stupid, so yea maybe those things could use a extra safety measure. Survival of the fittest pretty much doesnt exist anymore anyway.

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