dont care if its shit

hellyeah's picture

DEADPOOL 2 Final Trailer (2018)

im gonna pay my well earned money just to see him make that dc joke on a big ass movie screen..........

Average: 4.7 (18 votes)


Grothesk's picture

This fucking trailer made me laugh out loud.  Looks fucking great!

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

peter is going to kick anus on new and unherd of levels.



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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

I was more entertained by Peter than Cable...


Why is this happening?

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bronobo's picture

absurdism is one of the fundamentals of humor

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Danskilot's picture

Also like the Goonies joke lol. "Bring it on one-eyed willie".

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Cahu's picture

I look at the top grossing movies between 1980 and 2005 and 2005 forward and it just feels like Hollywood just...lost it

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