A bit too long at 140 minutes but still funny and so on point! The Musk (and others) caricature is one of the highlights.
Spoilers in the following! Some background:
(6 votes)
A bit too long at 140 minutes but still funny and so on point! The Musk (and others) caricature is one of the highlights.
Spoilers in the following! Some background:
(sounds retarded)
Last year I entertained the idea that perhaps the China virus mandates and fear porn was that there was an asteroid coming or a solar flare that would put us back in the stone age and it gave the elites an excuse to get into their bunkers subtly get people prepared so as to not let on to anyone else that we were doomed. I imagine this movie would be how it would unfold, no one would believe the people trying to warn them and would mock them as "end of the world/rapture" crazies.
(Old Spike)
When did the realization hit that everybody is just stupid and they are just scraping whatever they can get out of everybody else to save their own arse?
(Old Spike)
"they" already do with global warming and coronavirus......
(sounds retarded)
OH MY GOD! Is global warming going to end us all? Is the Chinavirus going to mutate and wipe us all out?
(Old Spike)
You're proving my point again, Clifford.
(Old Spike)
What's your point? And who are "they" in your little joke? Why do you keep referring to "they" when someone else refers to "they" - who are you thinking of as "they" and who do you think Pdub is thinking of as "they"?
I'm curious to know who you think this movie is for - is there a specific audience in mind or just a general audience?
(Old Spike)
In this context I think it is pretty clear who I refer to to with "they", you are one of the tards that loves "them" and follows their "sermons" to the letter.
And please ask pdub....
(Old Spike)
I have no idea what you mean - who are "they" and what are their "sermons"? What's the conspiracy, Daft Cunt?
You didn't answer my questions about the movie - who is the film's audience, Daft Cunt?
(Old Spike)
1. Of course you don't, those that fell prey to the fearmongers because they are already biased and / or because they somehow feel their arguments make sense never do -like yourself- became part of it.
2. not those that should be....
(Old Spike)
Become part of the conspiracy? So there's a conspiracy that I'm a part of, or you think I've been fooled by a conspiracy? Who are the conspirators pulling the strings, trying to make people doubt the information provided by the pharma-sponsored media and our leadership class? What's their goal, and what are my arguments?
You think the film's audience is not those that should be? I'm think I know what you mean by that but I'm not sure. It's making fun of people like you, in particular. I think you know that - your number 1. really bears that out. Holy shit are you ever self-conscious. One of my favourite lines in the film used to mock the protagonist slowly driven insane by the indifference and incompetence of the elite media, leadership class and the public.
"She's the head of NASA and she doesn't know what she's talking about?"
(dumb cunt)
(sounds retarded)
Do you think they were talking about Elon Musk? Didnt know he was known for his phones...
(Old Spike)
If you really need this explained to you then I would recommend watching video 2 of this submission.
(sounds retarded)
Watched the movie this morning, does not seem like they were talking about Musk at all. More like a mash up of all of them, Gates, Jobs, Bezos. Maybe Musk tossed in but I didnt see it. Why do you think it was Musk? Becuase he is doing stuff in space? Ever heard of Blue Origin? What's your beef with Musk?
(Old Spike)
Musk is tossed in lightly - the only similarities I see are that he's a tech mogol, does space things because he wants to, and talks funny. Besides that everything else is more similar to Gates and the others you mentioned I find, especially the relationship with and control over government - the fasicst stuff.
(Old Spike)
The character is a mix of many rich "tekkies". I find it so fitting for Musk as he ignores actual science and makes outrageous predictions (real life ref to the HGV business, hyperloop etc), probably he was not that present in the back of the author's mind when the script was written.....
(Site Administrator)
the idea that US would save the day if the world was in a crisis situation has been debunked (see 9/11, gfc, covid, etc)
their only real claim to fame has been convincing the world they won wwii, stealing the glory of the Soviets who actually did the winning of wwii
in the years to come they're probably gonna make out they saved the world from covid too
(rather than being the global epicenter of spreading the damn thing as is the case in the real world)
only reason they haven't falsely claimed they saved the world from terrorism yet is that it was always just an excuse for their own militarism
(sounds retarded)
Well, Stalin did ally with Hitler at the beginning and was betrayed by Hitler. So, two friends that you hate fight each other you might just let them fight each other. And it wasnt until after they started fighting that the USA was attacked by Japan and the focus was more on Japan. You are correct in that Germany lost most of their veterans fighting the Soviets and were pretty much beaten by the time the USA got over there in France. But Im not too sure the Red Army would have been able to conquer Germany if the USA didnt attack on the other side, Also Russia was getting its butt kicked by the Japanese and would have had to deal with Japan if the USA didnt get involved.
(Site Administrator)
I don't class the Molotov-Ribbentrop as an alliance, it was more non-aggression & they'd agreed to carve up Europe between them & keep trading. According a lot of accounts Stalin knew Hitler would eventually attack the Soviets, he kinda gave it away with all his anti-commie rhetoric.
Russia already had halted the German advance & was turning it around before the Western Front was opened. They did get help from other allies, chiefly USA in terms of equipment & materials but 80% of the German forces were on the Eastern Front - that's most of the war.
The Japs were definintely not beating Russia in the far East. They had some early success but they were fighting guys on horseback with tanks & air support. Zhukov went over & roflstomped them & they signed a non-aggression pact so both could focus their efforts elsewhere.