vinzent's picture

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It doesn't work in a low IQ, diverse, jewish controlled country.

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Pdub's picture

He is incredibly wrong.  He doesn't understand conservatism.  Think of it like a tree.  Conservatism grows the fruit on the branches.  Progressives grow more branches.  In order to grow the fruit, you need to have branches, but if you only grow branches, it becomes more difficult to grow the fruit on each branch.

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vinzent's picture
Dont feed the troll

What? In your analogy we need to cut off kids dicks to grow branches, then say no, we shouldn't be cutting off kids dicks, and that's how you grow the fruit. WTF?


Lets use a tree analogy properly. A conservative tree is one that is planted by white people, nurtured until it bears fruit, that fruit is used to feed a nice white family and the excess branches are used to make fires in the winter to keep them warm. The seeds of the tree are used to grow more trees and more white families move in and nurture the trees and eat the fruit and are kept warm by the burning wood. This goes on for many generation and the people are happy and healthy. They do have to defend their orchard so they put up walls and have defenses to keep the society healthy and free from infection. They conserve what they have created.


Then a jew comes in who looks kinda funny and acts shady but he is white enough and the nice people let him in and teach him their ways. The jew acts like he is there to help conserve the land for a while but he secretly starts bringing in more and more jews. Once there are enough jews they start to talk about how they think we need "progress". They say we could have cheap labor if we bring in blacks who will work for much less than what white people want to get for their time and effort. A fight breaks out and some vow to conserve their land but the progressives take a chunk and bring in people of different races, religions, and creeds. Theses people are not compatible with the whites who created the orchard but for a while there is a boom because of all the new workers and economic activity. Progress, the jews say, but to feed all theses hungry people they have to eat more of the fruit and there isn't enough for everyone so they start to fight and murder each other for the resources. The trees are abused by the progressives. The seeds are not planted, some of the trees are cut down to make shelter for all the new comers. There are less and less resources to go around, poverty grows and becomes permanent in the people who weren't able to secure enough seeds and wood for themselves. Many people freeze in the winter.


The ones who became progressives see how well the white conservatives are doing and they say they want what they have. Some conservatives feel pity and give handouts to the poor progressives, but it's not enough. The progressives want the richness of the conservative society. The jews use propaganda to stoke hate. They say that it's the conservatives fault that there aren't enough trees anymore. They demand that the conservatives give more handouts to the poor progressives. The conservatives say we give you enough and you need to sort out the problems that you have created. The jews tell all the dark skinned races that the white conservatives wont give them more of their food because they are racists and deserve to be punished. The jews start sending niggers into the conservative orchard to steal the food and wood and to kill the whites who try to defend themselves. The conservatives make weapons to defend their lives and property. The jews say that having weapons is evil and only the people who are loyal to the jews should have access to them.


This goes on and on and violence, poverty and misery spreads until eventually the white people remember how they built their amazing society all those years ago. They remember that a group of nice white people working together in harmony and sharing in the resources of their lands was the best system. They want to build that again and this time they will know how to conserve it. They will keep the niggers and the jews out next time and they will once again create the place that all the others in the world are envious of. They will have such abundance that they can trade with the far away lands and provide fruit and wood in return for metals and spices. 


The historians write about the failures of the "progressive" movement. New myths and legends are created around the bad times when the races were mixed and morality was not followed. The white civilizations flourish and not only do they go to space, land on the moon, but eventually they create beautiful orchards on other planets. They colonize the galaxy and while the adults are working, the children watch video feeds on their holographic screens of niggers in Africa trying to make a car that can drive more than twenty feet. lol.

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