don't want to jinx it

sal9000's picture

What Market History Tells Us About the Election

this is from nov 8th 2016


you know. a good portion of democrates mail in the ballots, a good portion of republicans vote in person. then you got some states that are allowed to ballot harvest, which is a third party collecting ballots. then you got trump a few days ago saying that it would really nice if they could decide on a president on the 3rd of november and not bother counting the ballots. then you got some states saying they wont count ballots after a certain time. you know,  who cares that a sitting president charged the american people 2.5 million for trips to and changes of venue that end up being hosted at the mar-a-lago, which he owns. god damn, they made jimmy carter give up his peanut farm

Average: 5 (2 votes)


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Look at how it switches between democrat and republic, you can set your watch on it.

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skeptoid's picture

Here's hoping for a delay on Lucifer's culling for 4 more years at least.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

thumbnail is this article

which looks like its just a reprint of an article they put out in july

alot of things have changed since july, funny how the forecast didnt'


daily caller started by tucker carlson as right wing opinion news. it was pretty funny that they posted a video of cars plowing thru protesters set to song "move bitch". i don't think they demonstrate integrity and internal/external alignment and abides by recognizable principles regardless of their opinion.


now, i didnt watch the video, this is what i got from the thumbnail

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skeptoid's picture

"i don't think they demonstrate integrity and internal/external alignment and abides by recognizable principles regardless of their opinion"


What makes you think I do? Where else would this guy have his prediction aired? You really aren't this dim.

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