Douma CW Attack: "A Fabrication"

danmanjones's picture

OAN Investigation Finds No Evidence of Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria

2:50 - "Not one person that we talked to had seen or heard anything about a chemical attack"

3:27 - "All of them told me that it was staged by the rebels"

8:00 - the doctors at the hospital from where the main propaganda video came (people being hosed down) describe what happened




Average: 4.1 (7 votes)


danmanjones's picture

I find this all very curious & have some questions....

  • if this guy is able to get to ground zero then why can't the OPCW inspectors get there?
  • was the translator provided by the military escort?
  • were these civilians screened by the military escort?
  • were the doctors briefed on what to say?


Robert Fisk also went to the scene and found reason to doubt the CW attack narrative.

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subroutine's picture
front page

"On arrival at Site 1, a large crowd gathered and the advice provided by the UNDSS was that the reconnaissance team should withdraw. At Site 2, the team came under small arms fire and an explosive was detonated. The reconnaissance team returned to Damascus. The UNDSS will continue to work with the Syrian National Authority, the local Councils in Douma, and the Russian Military Police to review the security situation. At present, we do not know when the FFM team can be deployed to Douma. Of course, I shall only consider such deployment following approval by the UNDSS, and provided that our team can have unhindered access to the sites. "


life must be so damn complicated and overwhelming with conspiracies around every corner.

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danmanjones's picture

Who shot at the UNDSS?

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subroutine's picture
front page

...maybe someone who has no interest that they can do their work? who could that be?

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danmanjones's picture

You don't wanna share your conspiracy theory?

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skeptoid's picture

Yes who could that be?

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danmanjones's picture

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puttefnask's picture

Found the interview with the boy and his father, also one of the doctors who worked at the hospital.

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eh's picture

One America News? Are you fucking kidding me? Who knows what the truth is-I'm very skeptical of everything- but pushing shit from those sources is pathetic. They are well-known right wing Trumptard conspiracy theory farms. Those are bullshit sources. Period. I'll wait for a batch of real sources and won't be surprised either way given the bullshit being pushed from every side.

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danmanjones's picture

Southfront is some kind of Russian propaganda. I know it's pretty dodgy but sometimes it has stuff that's worth looking at. Always take it with a large grain of salt though.


I'd never heard of OAN until today. The guy is in that town interviewing people. I think it's bizarre & interesting. Maybe they're being taken for a ride by the Syrian govt. Maybe not. The fact that Robert Fisk came to a similar conclusion as them gives some credibility to what they're saying. Those 2 are the only Western journo's that I know of who've visited Douma in the past week.... it is what it is.


If you're waiting for someone like the BBC to report accurately on the Syria situation, don't hold your breath.

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eh's picture

Definitely more than just OAN and Those are complete trash.

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sli0701948's picture

Short but confirm what was said at the hospital.

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sli0701948's picture

Do you have any arguments or opinions anonymous downvoter?

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danmanjones's picture

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eh's picture

Now this is better. Skip the OAN and Southfront bullshit. Is it a 100% certainty that gas was/wasn't used? No, but there are big questions about it in my opinion and it is at least possibly a better source. Good stuff.


The Independent being owned by a Russian oligarch and criticism of Robert Fisk's journalism in the past clouds things of course but the whole issue is cloudy with people forming their own opinions which they declare is 100% fact regardless of what comes out. I'm doubtful of every source/side which makes me.........skeptoidal©



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danmanjones's picture

The Independent is owned by a Saud, a Russian & a Russian Brit, not "a Russian oligarch".


I don't stand behind Fisk 100% but that hitpiece you linked to is laughable. And some of the links the author used are to articles in The Independent, which kinda goes against your Russian oligarch theory.

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eh's picture

Alexander Lebedev, a former KGB officer, is known as a Russian oligarch and bought the Independent in 2010. Just a theory. The Russian Brit you mentioned is probably his son who is also an owner I guess. I don't know who the Saudi is.


The link to links that link to links is just to show how cloudy it all is. I don't know if I'll ever be personally convinced what the truth is with all the bullshit being pushed.

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danmanjones's picture

You gotta just make your own judgement. I'm not 100% convinced either way about this CW attack but I'm definitely leaning in the direction of "Macron is a lying cunt".


I'm fascinated about this OAN thing though... the fact that they're the only Western video crew in Douma. The mind boggles.

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eh's picture

The whole situation is a perfect example of how you can't trust anything being pushed right now. Anything could be true. Anything could be a lie, all regardless of the source. Opinions are great. Screaming opinions are fact is assinine. I'm leaning towards the gas attacks being faked for the simple reason of the timing of Trump saying he was pulling U.S. troops out of Syria and the reports of a gas attack happening days later. Other than that, I have no idea.

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danmanjones's picture

You can make your own judgement based on what you see. I'm also suspicious of the timing. Whether it was US, UK, France or the White Helmets who were triggered by Trump's announcement that he wants to pull out, I dunno. My suspicion is the handlers of the White Helmets. I think they're British Intelligence from what I can gather. France is doing some heavy lifting with political cover for some reason but it's been a joint effort. As soon as Tony Blair was rolled out around Monday last week to speak about it I knew shit was gonna go down. I'm just glad Mattis & Dunham are involved. Mattis apparently wanted to get approval from Congress but was overruled by Bolton, so the story goes.


Here's China's CCTV report from Douma:


And here's Fox's report from the Syria-Turkey border:


The Fox report is typically on-message with the State Department's (link @ 5:00), saying that the Russians are trying to sanitise the attack site.

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eh's picture

I wouldn't be shocked if either claim is true. I can see a gas attack being launched by the opposition to the Syrian government as a false flag attack. I can also seeing the Syrian government with the help of Russia preventing UN inspectors from getting to the site of a gas attack while they sanitize the location, removed bodies, and closed off doctors. Even from sources like Fisk who say a chemical attack didn't happen, the presence of Russian troops everywhere guarding things looks sketchy. There are too many lies and civil wars are nasty. I would vote for the U.S. to stay away and-if the war is going to go on-supply plenty of weapons to raise stock prices of defense stocks...


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danmanjones's picture

I'd be very surpised if the SAA carried out a CW attack on that town given the circumtances


The case against SAA (Assad) using CW on April 7th in Douma:

  • The militants had surrendered & were already leaging the city on buses - no strategic benefit
  • Syria is a signatory of the CW Convention & have destroyed their stockpiles (verified by the OPCW)
  • Syria has been warned that CW use are a "red line" for US retaliation & were attacked with missiles 1 year ago under the same pretext (still no evidence or that CW attack either)


The case FOR the SAA using CW:

  • A rogue unit thought "fuck it" and loaded a couple of CW cannisters into a heli
  • Some kind of mixup where the military used the wrong munitions



The case for White Helmets staging the attack:

  • have been calling for Western intervention in Syria for years, hoping to see a "no-fly zone" like what happeneed in Libya... so obviously have motivation to stage a fake attack
  • are a Western construct, funded and trained primarily by UK & USA & aligned with al Qaeda... so are dodgy as fuck
  • have staged lots of videos, including this one which is very similar:

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eh's picture

"Special Monitoring Mission To Syria"?  Well, that's an interesting site. Has a slight pro-Russian and Syrian government slant......"Russians and Syrian government give us food!' and their websight is a Wordpress Syrian government fluff act but again who fucking knows what's going on. The hard fact documentary about it a decade from now will have holes in it, so fuck it.


Damn, what a pro-Syrian government, Russia, and Iran propaganda site. Believing these guys is as assinine as believing the shit from the other side.


Nothing about the whole issue would surprise me.

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danmanjones's picture

I'm slightly obsessed with this story because I see it as kind of pivotal. The White Helmets tactic is about to fail. You can see it on the Youtube votes & comments that people aren't buying the narrative. I don't know why British Intelligence thought they could trust a bunch of Arab maniacs not to fuck the fine art of Westerrn propaganda. But it seems to have happened.

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eh's picture

So you are basing your beliefs on votes and comments on Youtube videos? OK. I don't have strong beliefs about the situation from anywhere, certainly not from Youtube and can't believe anyone about it with so much bullshit out there.

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danmanjones's picture

just noticing a trend on the Fox & CNN videos on the subject, it's not something I would base anything on, it's just a small part of the puzzle. The White Helmets doco receiving an oscar last year is another part.

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