Downing of a Russian cruise missile

sal9000's picture

Downing of a Russian cruise missile

worse part of the site going down for a few days is trying to remember the things you came across

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n0val33t's picture
front page

Wonder how they are able to keep their nukes alive as they need constant pinpoint maintinance? Target aquisition busted and analog. Slight movement in the magnetic field is enough to scrable soviet nukes ........ blasting antarica.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

you'll probably find that the guidance and electrical systems on most of the icbms ruzzia fields is quite old. parts for them are probably in stock by the bucket load. they don't have to be accurate either. when you have a weapon that effects and area of 5+ square kms who cares of you have an accuracy of 500m. that's why saddam couldn't hit shit with a scud, they were meant to house nuclear warheads.

if ruzzia is going to use tactical nuclear weapons i think they'll hold back enough iskander missiles in inventory to do the job. those things are actually pretty flash. 

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