Dr Drew.......WRONG!!?????

Boomshackalacka's picture

Dr Drew Apologizes profusely for being wrong about Coronavirus

Bizarre that people still listen to this idiot after he has been so wrong, though believable that the core of DumbfuckNation believes him just like they believe Trump, Tucker, Hannity, Timmy Poole, Teddy Cruz, Margie Greene, etc, etc, etc, etc

Average: 4.1 (14 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

People listen to twats that say what they want to hear.

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skeptoid's picture

Amazing that you still post to this site when everyone knows you're a fraud and an idiot. There it is - we haven't seen a rating profile like this since MonkeyMania left. 

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Pdub's picture

Plot twist, he was right about everything and somebody tapped him on the shoulder.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

When progressives cheat ratings to push forth their message, why shouldn't we assume they would cheat something as important as an election.


You all know you have no substance, honor or merit, hence why you must stand upon and defend dishonesty.

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skeptoid's picture

Sock accounts in play again. Nothing was able to get to the front page while this asshat was here for an entire year except for his posts and then he leaves and we have some normalization of the front page and then 5 months worth of content is blown away and this guy comes back and within 2 weeks boom just like magic he's got posts hitting the front page. The whole front page is going to be papered with this piece of utter human garbage's content again through fraud.


Nakey please ban the account.


No one cares enough about Dr Drew either way that there would be 10 ratings generated on a stupid video like this.

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

"Nakey please ban the account."


I second this motion.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

and thats when...


a tenth person voted and sent it to the front page

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skeptoid's picture

You literally live as a pathetic worm. That's your mode of being. Your girlfriend says all you do is fart all day and I believe her. You think the world has to pay for your daddy abusing you you sad piece of shit. You're frozen at 18, like that child above, blubbering your way through life every single day. You're a permanent cry baby spazz engaging in 'taqiyya'. You'll never escape.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

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Evulva 1's picture

Timcel pool is my fav. though

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