Drunk & Arrested on Duty, etc.

hello kitty's picture

Insane Cop Gets CHARGED And ARRESTED While On Duty!

How would YOU be treated in this situation? This is six yrs old, so it all blew over already lol. Like clockwork.

Average: 5 (2 votes)


Accuser's picture

He's been pulling arrest quotas for 5 years after a year paid vacation on paid leave. Changed departments, that's all.

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hello kitty's picture

of course he's still a cop, I figured as much, thx for the followupyes

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This is painful to watch.

In the developed world police WILL get a medic to take a blood sample from the offender. If you don't agree with that then don't get a license. The safety of the public supersedes your "personal rights".

In any case when in an official position, like police officer, a person should be held to a HIGHER standard than everyone else.

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hello kitty's picture

Agreed. And it's funny, giving someone a badge really puts a lens on their personality. If you're a good person, it'll show, and if you're a fuck up, it'll really show.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

-Have you been drinking? It reeks like alcohol in your vehicle...

-That is you officer

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