Police in the Netherlands are taking a unique approach toward finding illegal, and potentially unsafe, drones. They are the first in the world using eagles to hunt and catch them.
(1 vote)
Police in the Netherlands are taking a unique approach toward finding illegal, and potentially unsafe, drones. They are the first in the world using eagles to hunt and catch them.
(sounds retarded)
Razor blades should solve this.
(Long Spike)
Ineffective against the nets and other devices they are being trained to drop on them.
(Old Spike)
WTF? This seems overly complicated and expensive. I have a much easier and cheap solution.
If they're worried about the noise, there are solutions for that as well.
(sounds retarded)
Its actually a felony to shoot drones, they are covered under the FAA rules about planes and what not. Cant remember the specifics.