Emerson the Elephant Seal Victoria BC April 2024

KarlJohanson's picture

Emerson the Elephant Seal Victoria BC April 2024

A northern elephant seal and an otter at Craigflower-Kosapsom Park, Saanich (Victoria), Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The seal has wandered up to the road a few times, so drive carefully around Admirals Road and Gorge Rd. West. Elephant seals sometimes hang out on beaches when they are molting. Remember, this is a 500-pound wild animal, so don't get too close. I used the zoom on the camera to get close-ups. The video also includes an elephant seal that was on the beach at this park in 2003, and another on Gonzales Beach in Victoria, in 2018.

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KarlJohanson's picture

They moved the seal to a secluded beach.

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