Of course you dont know what this term means, LOL!
Imagine a dude wanting to intimidate someone before a fight, takes off his shirt and starts flexing his muscles while talking shit. Now I know you cannot imagine you doing this, so you have to imagine another guy doing this. Men with pussies like yourself cannot do this, otherwise you will get laughed at.
So anyway, here in this video the fat guy thinks the guy recording is trying to intimidate his friends or talk shit.
Got that Greta?
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Pdub (Old Spike)
Remember when you took me to walmart to buy a battery?
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Im sensing more of a out of shape fat man amped up on adrenaline because a neighbor talking shit vibe than a tweeker vibe.
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Dude (Old Spike)
lol starts talking shit soon as he walks away, before that he was scared
(Old Spike)
what is "flexin'"?
(sounds retarded)
Of course you dont know what this term means, LOL!
Imagine a dude wanting to intimidate someone before a fight, takes off his shirt and starts flexing his muscles while talking shit. Now I know you cannot imagine you doing this, so you have to imagine another guy doing this. Men with pussies like yourself cannot do this, otherwise you will get laughed at.
So anyway, here in this video the fat guy thinks the guy recording is trying to intimidate his friends or talk shit.
Got that Greta?
(Old Spike)
Remember when you took me to walmart to buy a battery?
(sounds retarded)
Im sensing more of a out of shape fat man amped up on adrenaline because a neighbor talking shit vibe than a tweeker vibe.
(Old Spike)
lol starts talking shit soon as he walks away, before that he was scared