the epitome of white america


Fullauto223cal's picture

Sal, why are you race baiting?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

its how you get the fat fish. if you consider this race baiting. what would you consider proving the obvious? remember, in the last year or so you had. lady vs latin girl selling water, lady vs black bbq, lady vs black aparment guy, guy vs black people at the pool, youtube employee vs black guy, a corrections officer shot a guy after he headbutted the guys gf over fireworks. i don't know how many videos of people complaining about others speaking a non-english language. so what kind of video do i need to find for you to go "ah, i get it"

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

in the cops defence he was black

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sato's picture

curious about the legality. the irs must be a federal building, right? i thought everybody except federal officers had to surrender their weapons before entering?

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Taintstank's picture


He was clearlyconducting personal business, and not authorized.  Fuck this guy.  Im sure he's not used to having to follow any rules because of that badge.

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