Evolution points to God

sal9000's picture

Evolution points to God

I forgot to add a description!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yep, so THE WHOLE UNIVERSE was "created" either "just so we (christians, I assume)" evolve from it.


That is a very convincing argument. Off to.............. church? I guess not.


This is a fine example of the ultimate "god of the gaps" argument, which of course cannot be "disproved". Fucking hilarious.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I believe in a creator, and it was all a coincidence by walking a blind path with minimal influence, the universe was not created by god, it was an empty simulated enviroment, all you see is a simulation inside a cristal that cristal sits in a lab in the real universe, we are just created and influenced by one of the scientists/god inside and his buddy's outside, the entire universe is populated so not christian neither is god, god may have been Iesa Muhammed Buddha DaVinci Tesla and many more but that is how far his influence streches, in the end it is just a simulation, but then again what is real?

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