An exclusive interview with Stephen Willeford, the hero who ended the killing spree in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Stephen recounts the actions that lead him to confronting Devin Patrick Kelley outside First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs.
"On Monday, the Air Force admitted that it had failed to enter information from Mr. Kelley’s domestic violence court-martial into a federal database that could have blocked him from buying the weapon used in the church attack." https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/06/us/devin-patrick-kelley-texas.html?ribbon-ad-idx=5&rref=us&module=Ribbon&version=context®ion=Header&action=click&contentCollection=U.S.&pgtype=article
(7 votes)
(Old Spike)
He was a Mug Club member.
(Old Spike)
All eyes on this guy, not the guns .... hehehehe, man the united cognetive dissonance states of america. Where was this guy @ the Las Vegas fish barrel shoot, wonder if the AR would have helped... no?... ok then.
(Old Spike)
Yeah I know the two events were identical with vastly different outcomes right? lol
Well no surprise here - dude was an evangelical nihilist apparently:
(Site Moderator)
I see atheists are getting the hang of it too
(Old Spike)
Too? This type of mass killing profile was the most common prior to radical Islam usurping the brand. This is the classic stereotype of the nihilist rampage that started on a mass scale with Columbine. This dude seems to get it, and what questions we should be asking:
(Site Moderator)
Yeah I watched the whole podcast. Totally agree with Junger.
Lack of real connection with people and not having a sense of belonging. It's poison to the human psyche and in the extreme cases, we get mass shootings.
(Old Spike)
This guy could not have stopped the killer without his "scary black rifle".
The background checks didn't work because the Air Force failed to submit his conviction to the background check database. Yet your answer to a bloated incompetent Federal Government not doing it's job is that we need to surrender more of our liberty to the bloaded incompetent Federal Government.
(Long Spike)
"The background checks didn't work because the Air Force failed to submit his conviction to the background check database."
So in this case the gun control would have worked but because the AF failed to do its job properly the gun control couldn't do what it was supposed to do...which is protect citizens.