Like I said previously, once you found videos of this guy confessing to all matter of crimes under duress, you would gleefully post them here as fast as possible. You are the most pathetic and predictable tool.
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danman (Site Administrator)
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Tell me again how much you love this war:
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danman (Site Administrator)
You're just gonna lie now? Fuck outa here faggot
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Mmmhmm, thats what I thought, I bet youd sell your own mom for the right price.
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danman (Site Administrator)
you're incapable of any meaningful thought
a liar & a hypocrite is what you are.... and a pussy
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
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danman (Site Administrator)
cool meme. did your mum's pimp make it? I hear he's super edgy, maybe he can help you out with that whole dork thing you have going on.
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
How many hours did it take you to creep back over his posts and cherry pick this one? No one else on this site is as pathetic as you are. Seriously take a deep breath, get up from your fart soaked chair, and go outside for a bit...
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danman (Site Administrator)
all of the hours
cry about it
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
He spent a whole day, he didnt comment for many hours then this pops up in a convo we had a couple days ago. He is a creepy stalker bitch. Shit the type a bitch would do, like a girlfriend going back through a year of text messages. LOL He's a little weenie psychopath, probably abused or neglected as a child. Fits the MO. Probably no daddy in his life. How much you weigh dumbman? 100lbs/45 kilos? Bet you got a scrawny little pencil neck that would be perfect for my hands to wrap around. Never choked someone like that before but I sure would like to with your neck.
BTW, like I told him before, this was said tongue in cheek. I am anti-war.
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danman (Site Administrator)
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Timmy Tosser (dumb cunt)
This site is his whole life. His last refuge and safe-space to spew his bile with inpunity. I do so enjoy antagonizing him, but I also feel a bit bad like I am abusing a mentally retarded person.
(dumb cunt)
Like I said previously, once you found videos of this guy confessing to all matter of crimes under duress, you would gleefully post them here as fast as possible. You are the most pathetic and predictable tool.
(Site Administrator)
(sounds retarded)
Tell me again how much you love this war:
(Site Administrator)
You're just gonna lie now? Fuck outa here faggot
(sounds retarded)
Mmmhmm, thats what I thought, I bet youd sell your own mom for the right price.
(Site Administrator)
you're incapable of any meaningful thought
a liar & a hypocrite is what you are.... and a pussy
(dumb cunt)
(Site Administrator)
cool meme. did your mum's pimp make it? I hear he's super edgy, maybe he can help you out with that whole dork thing you have going on.
(dumb cunt)
How many hours did it take you to creep back over his posts and cherry pick this one? No one else on this site is as pathetic as you are. Seriously take a deep breath, get up from your fart soaked chair, and go outside for a bit...
(Site Administrator)
all of the hours
cry about it
(sounds retarded)
He spent a whole day, he didnt comment for many hours then this pops up in a convo we had a couple days ago. He is a creepy stalker bitch. Shit the type a bitch would do, like a girlfriend going back through a year of text messages. LOL He's a little weenie psychopath, probably abused or neglected as a child. Fits the MO. Probably no daddy in his life. How much you weigh dumbman? 100lbs/45 kilos? Bet you got a scrawny little pencil neck that would be perfect for my hands to wrap around. Never choked someone like that before but I sure would like to with your neck.
BTW, like I told him before, this was said tongue in cheek. I am anti-war.
(Site Administrator)
(dumb cunt)
This site is his whole life. His last refuge and safe-space to spew his bile with inpunity. I do so enjoy antagonizing him, but I also feel a bit bad like I am abusing a mentally retarded person.
(Site Administrator)