Before the pandemic Chinese factories could output 20 million masks per day.
They now output 120 million per day.
Average: 5(1 vote)
lawngnome (Long Spike)
Yeah, we really hadn't really needed facemasks in the States until this newest pandemic from China. There's like 2 cities that could be considered densly populated, Chicago and New York.
INB4 you whatabouting the 1918 Spanish Flu. One of 17 types of migratory birds flew over a pig farm in Kansas and caused a mutation. The way China handles their food and markets is just asking for this kind of stuff to happen regularly, thus their need for facemasks. (Time to rub this in China's face for 100+ years, by your logic.)
They have to be able to make that many, given their population size. How many days does it take to make say 3 masks for every person?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
The wet market has fuck all to do with the virus other than being an intermediary site people picked up the disease at. This has been known since at least February.
The origin of the virus hasn't been traced yet, China was the first country to identify it & did their best to contain it & shared data ASAP. In time we may know where the virus came from. It may be a Pangolin that went to Wuhan, could be a person who got it from a Pangolin or similar creature & went there, could be from a lab in a number of countries.
If it was the wet market it's similar to the 2009 H1N1 disease that broke out in North America that came from farmed pigs. The American response to that was to do hardly anything - I uploaded that Nathan Rich video to compare to COVID-19 response in China, you should have realised you guys were in trouble after seeing that because of how loose things are rwt epidemics in the US. I think you & others got too distracted by what you thought was propaganda to see the information in it.
Anywhere there's human-animal interaction there's a danger or zoonotic disease. The lesson to be learned is more about how to prevent them from spreading. And yeah, the wet markets in China (and other countries) should be regulated properly. This will no doubt happen, I think they've been closed in China for now, not sure. They're prevelant in SEAsia so maybe an international monitoring group could step in to coordinate.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Yeah, who knows. It probably came from mishandling in the Virology Labs like those SARS outbreaks.
It def can't be from the markets, Danman said it was "debunked". He knows everything.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Some scientists are saying it's been in humans for years but has mutated to spread fast. It's likely to take months or years before it's traced & it may never be, especially if it came from a lab. No govt would make data available that implicated themseves for this if it came from a lab, surely. It wouldn't be the first time a pathogen has escape from a US bioweapons lab if it came from them.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
When and where did you graduate from studying Virology?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
You don't have to be a virologist to note what some scientists are saying. The study was done by your NIH. It's just a hypothesis at this point. There are many. Like I said, the origin is still a mystery.
Here's my hypothesis. China releases these from labs so they "aren't coming from the markets", so they can keep eating weird shit.
^ sarcasm . You said to tell you when I'm joking cause you don't catch on most of the time...
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
That's actually kinda funny & twisted.
No I don't catch it pretty much ever & just default to serious dork mode. Subtle sarcasm doesn't travel well in text form. You gotta add an emoji or something especially if you're ripping on China because it makes my nips hard.
(Long Spike)
Yeah, we really hadn't really needed facemasks in the States until this newest pandemic from China. There's like 2 cities that could be considered densly populated, Chicago and New York.
INB4 you whatabouting the 1918 Spanish Flu. One of 17 types of migratory birds flew over a pig farm in Kansas and caused a mutation. The way China handles their food and markets is just asking for this kind of stuff to happen regularly, thus their need for facemasks. (Time to rub this in China's face for 100+ years, by your logic.)
They have to be able to make that many, given their population size. How many days does it take to make say 3 masks for every person?
(Old Spike)
The wet market has fuck all to do with the virus other than being an intermediary site people picked up the disease at. This has been known since at least February.
The origin of the virus hasn't been traced yet, China was the first country to identify it & did their best to contain it & shared data ASAP. In time we may know where the virus came from. It may be a Pangolin that went to Wuhan, could be a person who got it from a Pangolin or similar creature & went there, could be from a lab in a number of countries.
If it was the wet market it's similar to the 2009 H1N1 disease that broke out in North America that came from farmed pigs. The American response to that was to do hardly anything - I uploaded that Nathan Rich video to compare to COVID-19 response in China, you should have realised you guys were in trouble after seeing that because of how loose things are rwt epidemics in the US. I think you & others got too distracted by what you thought was propaganda to see the information in it.
Anywhere there's human-animal interaction there's a danger or zoonotic disease. The lesson to be learned is more about how to prevent them from spreading. And yeah, the wet markets in China (and other countries) should be regulated properly. This will no doubt happen, I think they've been closed in China for now, not sure. They're prevelant in SEAsia so maybe an international monitoring group could step in to coordinate.
(Long Spike)
Yeah, who knows. It probably came from mishandling in the Virology Labs like those SARS outbreaks.
It def can't be from the markets, Danman said it was "debunked". He knows everything.
(Old Spike)
Some scientists are saying it's been in humans for years but has mutated to spread fast. It's likely to take months or years before it's traced & it may never be, especially if it came from a lab. No govt would make data available that implicated themseves for this if it came from a lab, surely. It wouldn't be the first time a pathogen has escape from a US bioweapons lab if it came from them.
(Long Spike)
When and where did you graduate from studying Virology?
(Old Spike)
You don't have to be a virologist to note what some scientists are saying. The study was done by your NIH. It's just a hypothesis at this point. There are many. Like I said, the origin is still a mystery.
(Long Spike)
Here's my hypothesis. China releases these from labs so they "aren't coming from the markets", so they can keep eating weird shit.
^ sarcasm . You said to tell you when I'm joking cause you don't catch on most of the time...
(Old Spike)
That's actually kinda funny & twisted.
No I don't catch it pretty much ever & just default to serious dork mode. Subtle sarcasm doesn't travel well in text form. You gotta add an emoji or something especially if you're ripping on China because it makes my nips hard.