Facism is alive and well.


sato's picture

wow, true colors now on full display. you know how when someone shows they think they're better than you, you quickly feel the urge to prove them wrong?

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Only Jews have a right to self determination in Israel? So... If I as a non-jew came to Israel I can't move about 'freely' or interact with people or so on and so forth because I'm not a jew? Unless I've been given 'special priviledges'? As what? A good goyim? Fuck religious nationalism.

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danmanjones's picture

It's not a religion, it's an pseudo-ethnicity more like a tribe, based on if the mother is a jewess. Israel is less religious than most Western countries, around 40% are atheist. It's a fake ethnostate. Fake because they're invaders, not native to the land. A colonial project based on deception & born of terrorism.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

If judaism isn't a religion then what's the torah? But yes it's not as black and white as just saying that 'judaism is a religion and all jews are religious' and there is that tribe thing and the colonialisation thing and other stuff to consider as well. Nuances and all that. Still, fuck religious nationalism.

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danmanjones's picture

I don't agree that it's religious nationalism. It's a homeland for Jews & Jews are not a religious group. A Jew is someone who's mother was a Jewess. Zionism is a political movement & the founder was an atheist.


The bible stuff is just tacked on to give legitemacy & hook in the Messianic Christians - people who want to meet Jesus at the cost of the rest of us being tortured in fire for the rest of eternity. The orthodox Jews don't follow the bible they follow the Babylonian Talmud which is basically Mein Kampf on steroids.


The law they're introducing in Israel is a racist law. It has nothing to do with religion.

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skeptoid's picture

Dan you have the politics and history all mixed up with blanket racism. I don't understand why you wouldn't work to separate those two things. 

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danmanjones's picture

What do you mean blanket racism?

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skeptoid's picture

You edited your comment quite extensively - I notice you do this frequently to alter the meaning when you suspect you've gone too far. What you wrote was something like "...are almost as destructive and dangerous as the Jews."


"The Jews" is an entire race of people - you made it clear in the first paragraph that you're not talking about the religion, but the race. So it seemed like you were saying "The Jews" are just the worst people on Earth. That's what I took from it.

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danmanjones's picture

I do edit a lot until I'm happy with what I've said.


Are you saying that Jews as a race are not a destructive force throughout history?

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skeptoid's picture

I'm saying your statements about "The Jews" are irrational because they are based in racism.

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danmanjones's picture

Okay Mr. "Muslim pedo rape gangs are a major problem", thanks for the input.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Comedy rises to new heights in this thread!


"The Jews" is an entire race of people


What are the traits of the race? Hmmmmm let's think....


Looks like an arab, just with a longer nose.

Is somewhat greedy.

Calls any sort of criticism antisemitic

When put into a self governing habitat tends to create an apartheid regime, supressing, discriminating and unlawfully occupying disputed territory.


I did not know that one can convert to another race now. I have a small penis, maybe I should convert to "black". Where do I apply?

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skeptoid's picture

Hey fuckface - you're officially a nazi. Like a real one - so embarrassing considering your national origin. But it's not the first time I've met a German who was obviously a racist nazi fuck. What is it about the German people where, if you leave them to their devices, they produce genocidal movements that threaten the entire world? I'd say the Germans have been much much more destructive than the Jews as a race. 


Daftcunt you really need to pay attention when you're commenting. Dan was clear - he's referring to the race, not the religion.


I don't agree that it's religious nationalism. It's a homeland for Jews & Jews are not a religious group. A Jew is someone who's mother was a Jewess. Zionism is a political movement & the founder was an atheist.


Daftcunt you're a racist - you like the n-word and you don't like the Jews. You also frequently make statement alluding to superiority of your people. You're a fucking nazi - like pure defintion. Congrats dude - it fits.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yep, I  have blond hair and blue eyes....... and a very small penis. 


So please let us know where I can sign up to change my race to black. Blacks can't be jews right? I don't want any bits cut off....

I want to be the first black, blue eyed blond nazi!

Once that's done I bleach myself like Michael Jackson and become a catholic priest so I can live out my pedophilia. But only on boys that look like girls because I became a gay nazi homophobic with an enormous dick.


"Jew", like "Christian", "Catholic"  or "Muslim" is not a race. How dumb are you?

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skeptoid's picture

Dumb enough to know that Jews are a race, and dumb enough to read a comment by Dan where he specifically called out and clarified that his beef is with the Jews as a race - what's your excuse? 


So what should be done about "The Jews" Daftcunt?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

If you scrolled just a little further down you would have seen my opinion on the issue. But you decided to go all SJW like a 12 year old throwing all your toys out the pram. 


Go and do some more consulting.....

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skeptoid's picture

I read your post below - it's a study in daftness. You have it backwards - Jew is the race, religion is sometimes a component of that, more often it's "tradition" which is common among ethnicities. The Jews have a historical heritage and a traceable genetic lineage, and they perceive themselves as a race of people. The Jewish religion was, until Christ, a race-specific religion. That has changed, largely because of the influence of Christianity, both positive and negative.Because they have been persecuted and shoved all over the world post-Christ they have developed the capacity to integrate other races into their tribe that become subsumed into the overall genetics. Even before Christ there would have been certain situations where a non-Jew could join the tribe. Judaism just doesn't look hot with a racially-exclusionary barrier to practicing the religion when it stands next to Christianity, and today the religion is held separate from the race. Clearly. 


Danman was clear that he distinguishes the race from the religion, and that it is the race itself that is the danger. Your opinion is irrelevant.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

My opinion indeed is irrelevant. Still, one CANNOT  become a race but one CAN become a jew. 


If anything they predominantly came from a certain region (like british or german or native american). If  one insisted to determine "their" race it most likely would be arab.(ish).

If they themselves would accept them being a "race" they wouldn't call discrimination or harte speech (or any criticism) "anti semitism" but simply "racism".

They even call it israel and not jewland, maybe they will in the future.


All the issues in the region are related to the respective holy grounds. 


If you want to believe the bullshit they give you about "their heritage", be my guest. But then don't complain about any white supremacist neither. "Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus!" LOL

In any case this is ALL beside the fucking point. It does not matter why a group of people feel entitled or "better" than others (In this case be it patriotism, racism or religion), all reasons are equally despicable.


They started apartheid and planned slow genocide long ago now they started their "supremacy by heritage law". THIS is the issue, not the percentage we could pin down on religion or race.

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skeptoid's picture

LOL Yeah you're a nazi. I suspect many Germans still are - I think that's why the other half of the country over-compensates. Wow what a fucked up place with a fucked up, self-hating psychology.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So tell us why do people like fullauto and yourself love "the jews" so much that they even agree with their new supremacy laws and apartheid regime and even slow genocide?

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danmanjones's picture

If you're going to discuss Jews you can't pretend it's all rosey & they never did anything wrong. For fuck's sake look at Palestine. Half the world's Jews live there & defacto support the genocide of the Arabs. Tell me that's not a nasty race of people who would do such a thing.


And since you take religion seriously, take a look at the Talmud sometime. It's the core of the Jewish culture, not the Torah. http://www.talmudunmasked.com/chapter8.htm


And how about Soviet Russia? Are we still pretending Jews weren't a major force in the slaughter of millions of Russian Christians? Look at where they're the most hated - Eastern Europe - where they lived for the past centuries. Is that all based on irrationality?

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skeptoid's picture

Your statement wasn't that no Jew has ever done anything wrong. That's not what you said, and it wasn't my sentiment or what I was reacting to. You said the Jews are the most destructive and dangerous people on Earth, and always have been. 

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danmanjones's picture

Not the most destructive. I don't even know how you'd measure who the most destructive race is. Whatever.

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sato's picture

they're much more intertwined than you give them credit for. people can convert to judaism and become a jew. the law is racist and the pretext they're giving for it is religious.

they'd be racist even without the religion, but the religion comfirms that belief they already want to hold.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"Jews typically consider themselves as a people and not only as adherents of a religion, therefore a Jew is not only one that practices the religion of Judaism, but it is also one who is of Jewish ethnic heritage."




Although the term "jewish atheist" exists, I would say "jew" cannot be divorced from judaism, otherwise for example conversion to become jewish would be impossible as the "heritage" is missing. It is like having the cake and eating it. 




Muslims and jews have a similar philosophy, one is born into it and there is no get out of jail card. The tora is quite clear what to do in case of apostasy.


The problem is that a two class society was actively introduced, frst step is done but we will see where it leads....... 


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Raining Blood's picture

i thought it was funny when he mentioned the majority decides cause throughout there history, the majority usually decided on expulsion or final solution of the jews.

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sato's picture

yeah and the majority also believes israel should get out of palestine. it would've gone through already if not for a minority.

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