can you imagine if the US or russia was still holding germany under occupation?
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
US still has a pseudo-occupation going on in Germany. It has 36 bases there & enjoys virtual control of the German military via NATO. But that's another story.
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sato (Old Spike)
influence on the military is hardly an occupation, let alone even kind of like what israel is doing.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
Yeah you're right. There's no visible occupation. Like I said, it's another story but German has only limited sovereignty - political, economic or military.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Looking forward to the responses of the deluded.....
(Old Spike)
can you imagine if the US or russia was still holding germany under occupation?
(Old Spike)
US still has a pseudo-occupation going on in Germany. It has 36 bases there & enjoys virtual control of the German military via NATO. But that's another story.
(Old Spike)
influence on the military is hardly an occupation, let alone even kind of like what israel is doing.
(Old Spike)
Yeah you're right. There's no visible occupation. Like I said, it's another story but German has only limited sovereignty - political, economic or military.
(Old Spike)
Looking forward to the responses of the deluded.....