10/5 Great video. I've never seen about 80% of those. So many analogies fit. "It's better to be lucky than good", "Speed and stealth wins over strength", "Discretion is the better part of valor", "Don't fuck with hungry animals", etc. There are some true classics in there.
10:36 - do NOT fuck around anywhere NEAR muh dick and the other people getting kicked by horses/mauled by bulls are great. So much quality material.
29:25 - a few vids of mountain lions mixing it up with some bear.
30:55 - "Tree-drop" leopard kills
I was stunned that the classic jaguar attacking a caiman (basically a croc) vid wasn't in there.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
I can't tell between jaguars & leopards but man cats are amazeballs, especially those ones. And lions & tigers. :)
(Long Spike)
10/5 Great video. I've never seen about 80% of those. So many analogies fit. "It's better to be lucky than good", "Speed and stealth wins over strength", "Discretion is the better part of valor", "Don't fuck with hungry animals", etc. There are some true classics in there.
10:36 - do NOT fuck around anywhere NEAR muh dick and the other people getting kicked by horses/mauled by bulls are great. So much quality material.
29:25 - a few vids of mountain lions mixing it up with some bear.
30:55 - "Tree-drop" leopard kills
I was stunned that the classic jaguar attacking a caiman (basically a croc) vid wasn't in there.
(Old Spike)
I can't tell between jaguars & leopards but man cats are amazeballs, especially those ones. And lions & tigers. :)