Female Metal Singers: Expectation vs Reality


skeptoid's picture

The first two were good in studio and live, and the next three were horrible in studio and live, and that's as far as I've gone - are all of these supposed to be examples of good studio vs. bad live or is this video helping us sort the wheat from the chaff?

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scruples's picture

Those are definitly bad performances from Tarja and Floor (#3,4) but they have their good performances too, just like any singer.

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Grothesk's picture

I was surprised about the Amy Lee one...Evanescence seemed so over-produced and manufacturered that I wouldn't expect her to have a fine live set up.  It seems to me that most all of them lived up to their studio selves.


I would have liked to see how well Chibi lived up to the live version of "Blue", but she typically doesn't growl.


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UltimateX's picture

I didn't really hear much issue with any of these bands.  Most of these ladies can sing quite well live. I'd like to hear any current pop singer try it instead of lip syncing.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

that's the point, these girls can actually sing.

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UltimateX's picture

Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought, but I wasn't sure if the video author was being a dick or something.

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