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skeptoid's picture

Doctors: Data Proves That Covid Death Rate is "Very Similar to the FLU"

Doctors are starting to conclude, via science lol, that COVID is about comparable to the flu. In other news, regular flew infections are way down for this season. Fuck me.
Average: 2 (4 votes)


trooper_trent's picture

killed more people in a month and a half than flu kills in an entire year, while the entire world is on lockdown no less.


Seems legit.

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skeptoid's picture

And how are regular flu deaths doing this year? How many killed in extended families in Italy seems like it doesn't relate to the only metric that matters - the overall mortality rate. It's just not there. I'm concerned about the power grab, the backlash, and boy-who-cried-wolf affect if we get hit by something genuinely dangerous.


I had this virus in February - drained of energy and then leisions on my toes for about a week. They didn't know about the "COVID toes" thing until very recently. When I inquired as to whether I can be tested to help with data, they were not at all interested in testing anyone who had symptoms and have recovered. They don't want those folks to be tested - they are explicit about that. Why?

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napalm4sd's picture

We have a vaccine for the flu tho

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skeptoid's picture

And every year, despite the fact that we have a vaccine, the flu spreads rapidly through the community infecting hundreds of thousands including those who have been vaccinated. We call it flu season. 


I don't know what the right answer is precisely because I think it's still too early, but with each passing day I look at Sweden and feel more and more like countries that could have gone that way should have taken that route. Instead everyone was hanging off the WHO, an organization that I already KNOW you wouldn't want managing anything of this nature. No fucking way.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Bias is when you prefer the opinions of people that tell you what you want to hear, regardless of whether or not the actual findings are contradicting them. 

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skeptoid's picture

That goes both ways. Should it surprise you that the folks who are telling people not to hear this are the same folks who have asses to cover and newly available opportunities born from the chaos to exploit?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Are you really that dumb? NOBODY benefits from this shit! EVERY FUCKING VIROLOGIST WOULD LOVE TO HAVE BEEN INCORRECT!

"Asses to cover" This is so fucking ridiculous, even for you.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

ive made 600$ in the stock market today. Guess im not benifiting? XD

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skeptoid's picture

I'm not talking about virologists and you should know that - I'm talking about bureaucrats and power systems. The CEO of YouTube is essentially a government bureaucrat. Do you think the patriot act was justified because of 9/11? It wasn't. Do you think illegal mass surveillance of every US citizen and people around the world, your President included, was justified because of 9/11? Of course it wasn't and it turns out the system they mothballed in favor of the illegal system was more effective at finding terrorists but much less effective at keeping an eye on every single person who uses a telecommunications system. I KNOW you're not dumb and that you understand what I'm telling you. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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It does kind of feel like the perfect time.


Trump won't back down from a trade war. Long term this could worry China, as they are determined to be number one at all costs.


Their economy is built on sand. Something substantial like the silk road is at least a decade away, which is too long after Trump's second term, especialy if he won't relent in his attack for the next 4 and a half years.  So they only way to seize advantage under this kind of pressure is to fuck the whole economy -for everyone.


Release a highly contagious virus on your own population with a plan to use extreme measures to control it as fast as possible. That way everyone will think it's a freak of nature or an accident. After all, who would dare bio weapon their own people.


Restart chinese economy and hope enough of a headstart was gained by the global standstill. Bounce back faster and seize the lead while every one else is still picking up the pieces.


If the whole thing is fucked beyond repair, even better. The world may have to reset. Possibly unseating the dollar,  oil trade is in shambles as well. And guess which country has been buying up precious metals the past couple of decades?


It starts with a C and ends with an a. And no it's certainly not Canada.


Canada has declared gold mines essential last week. - Why?


Trump is willing to risk millions to open up U.S. commerce as fast as possible. - Why?


He downplayed the virus as long as possible. Costing thousands of lives. - Why?


WHO and CDC are failing on face palm levels. - Why?


All kinds of countries numbers are fucked up about this virus. - Why?


China is offering medical aid to countries when they have a big enough problem to deal with themselves. They are willing to debilitate their own medical response to just be nice and give shit away? - why?


Incompetence is a part of life. But there is way too much incompetence happening about basic common sense things when dealing with a pandemic.


This is more than it seems, and I'm not listening to any nonesense about how this was a random event.






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The Evil Bat's picture

B-b-b-but China number 1!

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