The Women's March is in a lot of woke water recently, as it's been discovered that Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez, two of the co chairs are avid supporters of Louis Farrakhan. The Nation of Islam leader that believes white people were created by an evil scientist thousands of years ago and that Jews control the world.
(5 votes)
(Old Spike)
How is Louis Farrakhan preaching hate for Jews & whitey any different to Ben Shapiro telling Christians that they're on a global jihad against Muslims & communists?
The only difference I see is that Ben uses clever linguistics & Louis is fucking hilarious.
(Short Spike)
I was going to knock this video, but it reminded me of 'Death of the Liberal Class', by Chris Hedges. It won a Pulitzer. It puts forward with ample evidence the terrible track record liberals have of abandoning their ethics to maintain access to VIP's (who they should be in opposition to) and platforms, subsequently eroding their relevance. This seems very similar.
(Old Spike)
Interesting theory. Chris Hedges is a smart guy. Wish I read books.
On the surface it seems she'd avoid backstabbing him because that would hurt her Twitter numbers. Tribalism is a helluva drug.
(Long Spike)
Digging DEEEEEEEEEP for that shit. I'm kind of done with talking heads that simply put up some cartoon avatar of themselves. Just fucking talk into the goddamn mic ya fuckin' pussy.