Free palestine!


Evulva 1's picture

Too fucking stupid and too fucking long..Gawd it's like you're the zeitgeist of sitcom. Dude, even if you make money. At some point you have to ask yourself. "What am I bringing to the grave?"

You're make shitty content,. For fucks sakes discover anything art!!! ANYTHING

Or else..congradulations on becoming a moderately paid troll ,clap clap <fucking average applause>  I left a vacuous legacy. But I never had to worry about my electric bill like those other plebs.BLAH BLAH BLAH PUSSY HEIL HITLER..HAHA FRAT BRO's jeeezusssss the world is so much more richer than that. Always has been

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Blame sal not me, it was his idea :)

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

the only ideas i give people are suicide related


i'd blame the person trying to pretend to be someone else. danny didn't play a warped tour in 2003 which would have made him 14 at the time. danny wasn't a bartender. danny's girlfriend didn't run over a jogger, danny didn't move to hawaii... be yourself no matter how sad that might be

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

If you and me thought the same, we would both be wrong! :D

Say what you want Sally boy, I believe in free speech for the morons too <3

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jdt73's picture

That shit is ART!

a beautiful piece designed to elicit an emotional response.

a commentary on the banality of the entertainment/media industry.

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Evulva 1's picture

Free speech idiots will always be divorced from tethered consequence. Objective results will always be more rooted in reality than your subjective words. At some point we gotta grow up man. AKA freedom of speech without freedom of consequence is not the way (BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH OTHER HUMANS/YOU ARE FUNDEMENTALY SOCIAL!!!)

You can't have both moron.

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jdt73's picture

your offense has been noted and filed where it belongs.

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Evulva 1's picture

Free speech idiots will always be divorced from tethered consequence. Objective results will always be more rooted in reality than your subjective words. At some point we gotta grow up man. AKA freedom of speech without freedom of consequence is not the way (BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH OTHER HUMANS/YOU ARE FUNDEMENTALY SOCIAL!!!)



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