Free Thinker Infiltrates Trump Rally

danmanjones's picture

'Plaid shirt guy' removed from Trump rally for facial expressions

Event organisers replace him & his friends with professionals. I wonder what his punishment would be if it was North Korea


Average: 3.2 (16 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

That is what happens when you have to actively select people to cheer for you.


Again, hard to believe the comedy keeps coming so strong.......

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monkeymania's picture

Freaky plaidboy is a piece of work.


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ageing hippy liberal douche's picture

That douche and the red head and the guy on her right were all waiting for an oppertunity to be bigger shitheads than they already were, face guy specifically.
Fake news jumped on the bandwagon and said that the little girl in the back with the american flag scarf was the target of removal because "she wiped her nose with the american flag" and also insinuated that the derpy commie man and his cohorts were "accidently" removed instead because of incompetence of the secret service.

 This cute video title only works when pantysoaker does it because he's right 99% of the time.
sad attempt at content on your part.

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danmanjones's picture

The title isn't really trying to be cute. Funny that they're denying kicking him out.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

The only thing funnier than the potus are his "blind" followers. Thank you good sir, you had me in stitches....

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monkeymania's picture
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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

it appears fullauto or purgetheflask created a sock....

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ageing hippy liberal douche's picture

Yes because there can't be anyone else on earth that would disagree with the liberal mass controlling spiked for the past 2 fucking years with non-stop crying and disinformation.


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