I had no idea that trash pandas got this big until I confrnted one in my garage that was the same size. These are some fat raccoons. Honestly, I would have shot all of them. This guy just makes them go away. They always come back but my question is how the hell did they get this fat!!!!?????
(6 votes)
(Long Spike)
Crap quality of housing there.
(Long Spike)
Canada is a 3rd world hell on earth.
(Old Spike)
I used to keep my windows open at night so my cat could go lay on the roof.
One time, I was cooking supper and he started chattering at something outside. I thought it was a bird or a squirrel. I peer out the window and see a unit of raccoons climbing the tree towards the window to take him.That window never opened more than inch again.
(Old Spike)
Those were all young, they probably didn't want to leave as the mother likely left them there while she scavanged for food.
Had a roommate who bought a big cake once and left it on the dining room table. The next day it was gone. The gold foil wrapped cardboard base was all that was left, spotless. He thought I ate his cake; he was dumbfounded as it was a huge cake. Later I noticed the side window was open and then a couple days later noticed a family of raccons climbing up on our porch, so figured they had come back for more cake. Surprised they didn't move the cardboard or shit all over everything.
(Long Spike)
Young uns!!!!!!!??? Hate to meet Dad. Trash pandas bigger than that are scary.
(Old Spike)
If they were adult males, they wouldn't be together and the guy would be running.