I wonder how the wood reacts to the heat of the engine when it's running... I would think if it ran for any long length of time it would start to smoulder or something. Then again, it's a show piece and it probably isn't run for any extended period. Fantastic display of skill, though.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Caeraman is one dumb cunt. "If you live in the rust belt (?) this is how you gotta build them." Yeah. Wood is low maintenance building material for cars........
(Short Spike)
I wonder how the wood reacts to the heat of the engine when it's running... I would think if it ran for any long length of time it would start to smoulder or something. Then again, it's a show piece and it probably isn't run for any extended period. Fantastic display of skill, though.
(Old Spike)
Caeraman is one dumb cunt. "If you live in the rust belt (?) this is how you gotta build them." Yeah. Wood is low maintenance building material for cars........