These wasps are like, "WHO DESE HOSE HOSING DOWN OUR HEEZY, YO?"
Because they're black wasps. Guys? Anyone?
Average: 4.3(26 votes)
Dagambit (Long Spike)
5/5 for Tennis Racket out of no where.
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beer420 (Old Spike)
I can't remember if it was here that I saw the other video where the guy put this crazy high speed fan in front of the entrance to the nest....and the wasps were suiciding into that fucker trying to get in and out....I love these videos, fuck wasps
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Mori (Short Spike)
You should not be this vindictive and violent towards other biological beings. We all have our place in the ecosystem. We should respect and ... wait, what? Wasps? FACKKING WASSSPS?!? GOD DAMN MOTHAFOCKAS GOD G#=$$%$& KICK THEM IN THE FACKING... I MEAN, GENETICALLY MANIPULATE THOSE FUCKERS SO THEY CAN GROW BALLZ SO THAT I CAN KICK THOSE GOD DAMN MOTHAFOCKING BAAAALLLZZZ!
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
I must say I am a little disappointed. When I read the title I sarcastically thought, "yeah water against a wasp nest, what a great idea"
(Long Spike)
5/5 for Tennis Racket out of no where.
(Old Spike)
I can't remember if it was here that I saw the other video where the guy put this crazy high speed fan in front of the entrance to the nest....and the wasps were suiciding into that fucker trying to get in and out....I love these videos, fuck wasps
(Short Spike)
You should not be this vindictive and violent towards other biological beings. We all have our place in the ecosystem. We should respect and ... wait, what? Wasps? FACKKING WASSSPS?!? GOD DAMN MOTHAFOCKAS GOD G#=$$%$& KICK THEM IN THE FACKING... I MEAN, GENETICALLY MANIPULATE THOSE FUCKERS SO THEY CAN GROW BALLZ SO THAT I CAN KICK THOSE GOD DAMN MOTHAFOCKING BAAAALLLZZZ!
(Old Spike)
I must say I am a little disappointed. When I read the title I sarcastically thought, "yeah water against a wasp nest, what a great idea"
You still get a 5 though!
(Old Spike) ?
(Long Spike)
Hah, this was awesome!