I just penalized you 20 points by adding the 11th vote to your 1791L post, which is now gone forever along with the comments which were trending your way. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a lively discussion deleted forever because of 5 people who don't post vids to this site or participate in any discussion (probably don't watch any vids either). It's great to see the vision of the site's moderators fully realized.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
The mindset of leftist on the Internet.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
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Hisoka (Short Spike)
Cant believe that a good upload as a CD vid is buried by tribal wars comments. You guys suck, its your feuds that keep away newcomers. I miss IJ and her trigger happy banhammer.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Who the hell is IJ? And the fact that you enjoy the thought of people being banned for expressing contrary ideas is childish.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
He's referring to me. I used to be known as Insayne Jayne, a moderator on SpikedHumor.com.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I can't believe you write all your comments in bold.
There hasn't been any REAL serious political fighting here for many months. Also no real interesting discussions for months, really. I don't think the problem is attracting newcomers - I think the election followed by six months straight of anti-Trump spam posting took its toll on long-time members. Then the mods had a big fight which wasn't really explained, and one of them left.
Also of course there are superfriends hovering in the background, silent but ready to do their solemn duty. Seeing a post with 23 comments in the midst of a lively discussion deleted forever because people who don't contribute ANYTHING to this site "feel triggered" is what drove folks off this site. Newcomers? It's extremely hard to attract new members - about 10x more difficult than retaining existing ones. That's customer relations 101.
All the cute animal posts in the world will not compel new memberships.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
The site is missing the humor it used to have.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
It sure is. Now we have triggered SJW's hovering in the background completely lacking in any sense of humor. Marxists can't be funny they're full of pain, misery and resentment. I wonder if the old site's database was destroyed and lit on fire so no one can see how in its hey day spikednation was pretty much 24/7 political/social debate and discussion wrapped in humour. When the membership was at its peak, that's what they came here for.
Take Hisoko as an example. Over the past 6 months he or she has commented about 10 times and has made 0 posts. There are a lot of members who come here solely to expend minimal effort and be entertained, which makes me question why they're members. I mean appreciate the irony of that. Lazy poeple coming here to be entertained and upset that they're not finding the kind of lazy crap that entertains them here but too lazy to generate that content themselves. All I ever repeat is that those who complain about what's posted here should post some content here instead of just complaining and downrating content that doesn't interest them. Show me what plays well on this site by putting some effort in.
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
"Now we have triggered SJW's hovering in the background completely lacking in any sense of humor."
Can you tell me how many "humor" videos SJW's have voted down recently?
Only videos I see rapidly downvoted is FA's political stuff or for that matter anything that leans too far right or left. I don't really care if people post political videos every now and then, as long as they don't hijack this site as a platform just to push their views.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
A very good point, Backdraft. Skeptoid is particularly upset that a 1791L video was quickly voted off the site. The video's first sentence literally started with a blanket insult to a wide swath of people and now we're talking about people having a sense of humor. A politically charged tribalist video quickly got voted off the site because people are sick of politically charged tribalist videos and Skeptoid is now lashing out at casual SpikedNation.com members who have been here longer than he has about it.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I'm not saying the superfriends are here to vote comedy vids off the site. I said they don't have a sense of humour and behave like porceline dolls who need a safe space encased in a steel box. On top of that, like the long-term member Groth just referred to, they DON'T CONTRIBUTE SHIT TO THE SITE. They don't post vids, they rarely comment, but they DO complain about how everything isn't laid out nicely for them just they way they want like with mom and dad. "This is a home - we're trying to have a home here....." LOL. They DO see a specific YouTube channel, or spiked member, or subject, and reflexively dive into that post just to downrate it and nothing else. And then continue to contribute nothing. Look at subroutine go right now - he gets it. I'll keep saying the same shit over and over again - post videos, post comments, leave your triggered censorship agenda at the door, and help bring life back to the place.
"I wonder if the old site's database was destroyed and lit on fire so no one can see how in its hey day spikednation was pretty much 24/7 political/social debate and discussion wrapped in humour. When the membership was at its peak, that's what they came here for."
The discussions in the comment threads of issue-based videos were ALWAYS comic gold. They still are. I got more laughter out of reading certain comment threads than any comedy vid posted here. After the election was over, no one who actually cared about this place was interested in replaying the election for six months. Where's Berg? Where's Babyduckling? Where are the superfriends? I guess they served their purpose.
My point is simple - that 1791L video was an entry point to a discussion. No one who was interested in the discussion or the video gave it 1/5, as you state.
(Old Spike)
no mexicans, no libtardsocialistkommies, no magatrumpet. i am gobsmacked mr. fullauto! 5/5
(Old Spike)
I try to pass out red pills in easy to swallow doses. Leftism has very bad withdrawals so it's best to come off slowly.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
I just penalized you 20 points by adding the 11th vote to your 1791L post, which is now gone forever along with the comments which were trending your way. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a lively discussion deleted forever because of 5 people who don't post vids to this site or participate in any discussion (probably don't watch any vids either). It's great to see the vision of the site's moderators fully realized.
(Old Spike)
The mindset of leftist on the Internet.
(Old Spike)
(Short Spike)
Cant believe that a good upload as a CD vid is buried by tribal wars comments. You guys suck, its your feuds that keep away newcomers. I miss IJ and her trigger happy banhammer.
(Old Spike)
Who the hell is IJ? And the fact that you enjoy the thought of people being banned for expressing contrary ideas is childish.
(Long Spike)
He's referring to me. I used to be known as Insayne Jayne, a moderator on SpikedHumor.com.
(Old Spike)
I can't believe you write all your comments in bold.
There hasn't been any REAL serious political fighting here for many months. Also no real interesting discussions for months, really. I don't think the problem is attracting newcomers - I think the election followed by six months straight of anti-Trump spam posting took its toll on long-time members. Then the mods had a big fight which wasn't really explained, and one of them left.
Also of course there are superfriends hovering in the background, silent but ready to do their solemn duty. Seeing a post with 23 comments in the midst of a lively discussion deleted forever because people who don't contribute ANYTHING to this site "feel triggered" is what drove folks off this site. Newcomers? It's extremely hard to attract new members - about 10x more difficult than retaining existing ones. That's customer relations 101.
All the cute animal posts in the world will not compel new memberships.
(Site Moderator)
The site is missing the humor it used to have.
(Old Spike)
It sure is. Now we have triggered SJW's hovering in the background completely lacking in any sense of humor. Marxists can't be funny they're full of pain, misery and resentment. I wonder if the old site's database was destroyed and lit on fire so no one can see how in its hey day spikednation was pretty much 24/7 political/social debate and discussion wrapped in humour. When the membership was at its peak, that's what they came here for.
Take Hisoko as an example. Over the past 6 months he or she has commented about 10 times and has made 0 posts. There are a lot of members who come here solely to expend minimal effort and be entertained, which makes me question why they're members. I mean appreciate the irony of that. Lazy poeple coming here to be entertained and upset that they're not finding the kind of lazy crap that entertains them here but too lazy to generate that content themselves. All I ever repeat is that those who complain about what's posted here should post some content here instead of just complaining and downrating content that doesn't interest them. Show me what plays well on this site by putting some effort in.
(Site Moderator)
"Now we have triggered SJW's hovering in the background completely lacking in any sense of humor."
Can you tell me how many "humor" videos SJW's have voted down recently?
Only videos I see rapidly downvoted is FA's political stuff or for that matter anything that leans too far right or left. I don't really care if people post political videos every now and then, as long as they don't hijack this site as a platform just to push their views.
(Long Spike)
A very good point, Backdraft. Skeptoid is particularly upset that a 1791L video was quickly voted off the site. The video's first sentence literally started with a blanket insult to a wide swath of people and now we're talking about people having a sense of humor. A politically charged tribalist video quickly got voted off the site because people are sick of politically charged tribalist videos and Skeptoid is now lashing out at casual SpikedNation.com members who have been here longer than he has about it.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
I'm not saying the superfriends are here to vote comedy vids off the site. I said they don't have a sense of humour and behave like porceline dolls who need a safe space encased in a steel box. On top of that, like the long-term member Groth just referred to, they DON'T CONTRIBUTE SHIT TO THE SITE. They don't post vids, they rarely comment, but they DO complain about how everything isn't laid out nicely for them just they way they want like with mom and dad. "This is a home - we're trying to have a home here....." LOL. They DO see a specific YouTube channel, or spiked member, or subject, and reflexively dive into that post just to downrate it and nothing else. And then continue to contribute nothing. Look at subroutine go right now - he gets it. I'll keep saying the same shit over and over again - post videos, post comments, leave your triggered censorship agenda at the door, and help bring life back to the place.
"I wonder if the old site's database was destroyed and lit on fire so no one can see how in its hey day spikednation was pretty much 24/7 political/social debate and discussion wrapped in humour. When the membership was at its peak, that's what they came here for."
The discussions in the comment threads of issue-based videos were ALWAYS comic gold. They still are. I got more laughter out of reading certain comment threads than any comedy vid posted here. After the election was over, no one who actually cared about this place was interested in replaying the election for six months. Where's Berg? Where's Babyduckling? Where are the superfriends? I guess they served their purpose.
My point is simple - that 1791L video was an entry point to a discussion. No one who was interested in the discussion or the video gave it 1/5, as you state.
Groth you asked "What happened to your last Styx video? It had like 5 votes on it and I watched it, tried to comment, and then it disappeared like 4 minutes later."
Groth please answer your own question.
(Long Spike)
If the video gets voted down it gets voted down. You can get around this by uploading quality content. That's how I do it.
(Long Spike)
There's a remedy for every situation.