Currently one of my favourite bands, and this is a good (but old) performance. No I'd said they are my favourite right now. Basically all of their songs and albums are good. Ignore the drama about the fighting with former memebers and enjoy the music. I'll try to embed another good performance in the description.
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
Can't figure out embed in comments. Go here for another good live performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgamwEi90w4
(Short Spike)
Yeah i also really like them. i like the genre bending and switching. style changes are nice. The drama is a shame. You know dave grohl was a member for a while? i didnt.
(Old Spike)
Yeah they're great. I remember hearing he played live with them, I'm not sure how many shows? I've heard they've had a number of other names roll through now and then. Probably fun for an artist to play incognito.