Girl Scouts Suing Boy Scouts


daftcunt's picture
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Yeah, this is a real "only in america"! Heard this on the news yesterday and had to check my calendar.....

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dusma's picture

They are just pissed because the boy scouts are taking thier girls and including them in activities that they are more interested nowadays so thier membership is diminishing. Its all about that bottom line for them. Plus it doesn't make any sense to call it "boy" scouts anymore, since they are now including girls. It just seems like a logical decision. If it really mattered to them why don't they include boys in the girls scouts? Because that would be considered to be the "patriarchy" trying to insinuate itself into an all girls institution, i suppose? What is good for the goose is good for the gander in my opinion.

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Needless_Kane's picture

They make their bottom line off them damn $5 box of cookies I can buy down at Dollar General for $2.  Who the hell can resist the caramel coconut delights?  Who can resist BoyScout popcorn, meh just popcorn.

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dusma's picture

I'm partial to the thin mints, myself. lol

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