

sal9000's picture
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i kinda want the environment to crash just to have conversations with people that didn't believe it. the people that went decades denying it

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol, yeah, we won't suffer the real consequences of this, probably our grand children will....

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theblackswordsman's picture
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The only things people are going to suffer is God's judgment.

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sal9000's picture
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i've never wanted islam to be the one true religion more than i do right now. the thought of being able to laugh at you while were getting our skin swapped out for new ones would make it all worth it

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

I agree it is an absolute shame that people like him will just die and not be hugely disappointed that the afterlife and god don't exist but don't you worry: Should a christian god and places like "heaven" or "hell" really exist people this cunt will roast in the latter for "eternity". Even bobob would get at least a good taste of it.

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