Roberts will side with the 3 dem judges, Trump will win the 5-4 decision, dems will complain that the 3 judges appointed by Trump were bias
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
he did neither look nor sound like he believes what he is saying.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
The ultimate HODL.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Fox has them separated by 8000 votes for the electoral college. This is, as expected, the worst possible outcome for the election. Yay!
BTW, how y'all feelin's about those polls today? Twice in a row now - is there a single person here who will ever bother to look at a poll again?
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
sure. i'll still use polls, they were never put out as 100% fact. but they give some truth. biden doesn't need north carolina, georgia or pennsylvania. wisconsin was just called for biden and michigan is leaning towards biden and they only have 4% left to count. i'm curious about pa, in the last few hours biden went from over 600k votes down to 450k votes down and they still have 46% of teh votes to count
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
as in public votes?
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Raining Blood (Long Spike)
yea. and right now the guy whos running the post office is gettnig shitted on because he refused to sweep for undelivered votes and they know 300k were scanned but not delivered to be counted. i might not have gotten that completly right. heres the quote
"Postal Service data showed that as of Sunday, about 300,000 ballots that were received for mail processing had not been scanned for delivery to election authorities."
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
NY Times revealed a "reporting error" on AZ that could flip it for Trump. What's up with Nevada too? It's been sitting there at 75% reporting and too close to call with no movement all day.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
by NY times, do you mean NY Post?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
4:25 below - they thought 96% had reported in but it was 86% (now 84% apparently) and most of the votes are from rural areas. A 60/40 split in Trump's favor for the remaining count would put him over the top.
Related article:
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
that article says the guy at fox news made a call. associated pressed called biden winning az at 2:45am. they still have him with close to 100k more votes close to 16% left to count.
and he got michigan
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
The reporting error was noted by the NY Times and attributed to the rerpoting agency they use (they likely all use the same one or a small pool), which no doubt contributed to the early call. Of course some Trump supporters are saying that the NYT did it on purpose to alter the election but it just looks like a reporting error. Trump just needs AZ and PA as far as I can tell, or some other combination of slots to fil in. Biden has his own paths - this won't be resolved before January I'm sorry to tell you.
And, as I feared, voter fraud will play a deciding factor in determining the outcome. A landslide either way would have been best. Half the country will not accept the result regardless, although both halves will act differently in response depending on who wins.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
voter fraud? they can't find over 300k mail in ballots because of "sorry we couldnt get it done, well do it tomorow" and these were in places that were mostly democratic areas.
i think az is already taken by biden, could be wrong. but trump needs, pa, ga, nc and either az or nv. alaska only gives 3 electoral votes so it doesnt really matter about them
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
So you finally agree. Good. I'm not playing the game of who commits more fraud - the margins are such that this could be decided by fraud. You know it, and it's the worst possible situation in terms of result credibility. This won't be clean.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
can't say it will be decided by fraud. don't know if the fraud happened in states the parties ended up winning. if biden snuck in 300k votes into a state he lost by 600k votes. it has no bearing on the election results. if trump disapears 300k votes from a heavily democratic county, giving him the state and the election, than yes. the election would be decided by fraud.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
^ The only way the election can be decided by fraud is if Trump commits the fraud.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
thats an examples. like i said right before it.
"don't know if the fraud happened in states the parties ended up winning "
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
White people are not allowed to shop on black friday anymore, they must do their shopping the next day (saturday).
Only minorities are allowed to go shopping on black friday, in-order to promote equality and fairness.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
easy fix. white thursday, where prices are low but not as low as black friday.
but seriously. what about half breeds? do they get classified by a drop of blood makes them a minority or do they go by percentage of ethnicity? if its ethnicity. do they apply a rule for all or would they go by the individual basis of who acts/looks white is white. who acts/looks like a minority is a minority regardless of ethnicity percentage?
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ubershin (Old Spike)
what about Mexican wednesday where we need to have a buy 1 get 1 free only for us (with children) tho. Lets not make it about ONLY black and white. Brown is getting bigger
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
there own day. thats radical left thinking, what are you a socialist? they share with the rest
(Long Spike)
Roberts will side with the 3 dem judges, Trump will win the 5-4 decision, dems will complain that the 3 judges appointed by Trump were bias
(Old Spike)
he did neither look nor sound like he believes what he is saying.
(Long Spike)
The ultimate HODL.
(Old Spike)
Fox has them separated by 8000 votes for the electoral college. This is, as expected, the worst possible outcome for the election. Yay!
BTW, how y'all feelin's about those polls today? Twice in a row now - is there a single person here who will ever bother to look at a poll again?
(Long Spike)
sure. i'll still use polls, they were never put out as 100% fact. but they give some truth. biden doesn't need north carolina, georgia or pennsylvania. wisconsin was just called for biden and michigan is leaning towards biden and they only have 4% left to count. i'm curious about pa, in the last few hours biden went from over 600k votes down to 450k votes down and they still have 46% of teh votes to count
(Old Spike)
as in public votes?
(Long Spike)
yea. and right now the guy whos running the post office is gettnig shitted on because he refused to sweep for undelivered votes and they know 300k were scanned but not delivered to be counted. i might not have gotten that completly right. heres the quote
"Postal Service data showed that as of Sunday, about 300,000 ballots that were received for mail processing had not been scanned for delivery to election authorities."
(Old Spike)
NY Times revealed a "reporting error" on AZ that could flip it for Trump. What's up with Nevada too? It's been sitting there at 75% reporting and too close to call with no movement all day.
(Old Spike)
by NY times, do you mean NY Post?
(Old Spike)
4:25 below - they thought 96% had reported in but it was 86% (now 84% apparently) and most of the votes are from rural areas. A 60/40 split in Trump's favor for the remaining count would put him over the top.
Related article:
(Old Spike)
that article says the guy at fox news made a call. associated pressed called biden winning az at 2:45am. they still have him with close to 100k more votes close to 16% left to count.
and he got michigan
(Old Spike)
The reporting error was noted by the NY Times and attributed to the rerpoting agency they use (they likely all use the same one or a small pool), which no doubt contributed to the early call. Of course some Trump supporters are saying that the NYT did it on purpose to alter the election but it just looks like a reporting error. Trump just needs AZ and PA as far as I can tell, or some other combination of slots to fil in. Biden has his own paths - this won't be resolved before January I'm sorry to tell you.
And, as I feared, voter fraud will play a deciding factor in determining the outcome. A landslide either way would have been best. Half the country will not accept the result regardless, although both halves will act differently in response depending on who wins.
(Old Spike)
voter fraud? they can't find over 300k mail in ballots because of "sorry we couldnt get it done, well do it tomorow" and these were in places that were mostly democratic areas.
i think az is already taken by biden, could be wrong. but trump needs, pa, ga, nc and either az or nv. alaska only gives 3 electoral votes so it doesnt really matter about them
(Old Spike)
So you finally agree. Good. I'm not playing the game of who commits more fraud - the margins are such that this could be decided by fraud. You know it, and it's the worst possible situation in terms of result credibility. This won't be clean.
(Old Spike)
can't say it will be decided by fraud. don't know if the fraud happened in states the parties ended up winning. if biden snuck in 300k votes into a state he lost by 600k votes. it has no bearing on the election results. if trump disapears 300k votes from a heavily democratic county, giving him the state and the election, than yes. the election would be decided by fraud.
(Old Spike)
^ The only way the election can be decided by fraud is if Trump commits the fraud.
(Old Spike)
thats an examples. like i said right before it.
"don't know if the fraud happened in states the parties ended up winning "
(Long Spike)
White people are not allowed to shop on black friday anymore, they must do their shopping the next day (saturday).
Only minorities are allowed to go shopping on black friday, in-order to promote equality and fairness.
(Old Spike)
easy fix. white thursday, where prices are low but not as low as black friday.
but seriously. what about half breeds? do they get classified by a drop of blood makes them a minority or do they go by percentage of ethnicity? if its ethnicity. do they apply a rule for all or would they go by the individual basis of who acts/looks white is white. who acts/looks like a minority is a minority regardless of ethnicity percentage?
(Old Spike)
what about Mexican wednesday where we need to have a buy 1 get 1 free only for us (with children) tho. Lets not make it about ONLY black and white. Brown is getting bigger
(Old Spike)
there own day. thats radical left thinking, what are you a socialist? they share with the rest