God does exist, it is me, but i know evolution is real :)
I believe these ppl have been taken in by the bible, as usual it is a bunch of twisted half truth stories and vague references.
God has been killed many times by the church when he came forward, later on even electro shock therapy, yes god himself, Jesus was god so was Mohammed and Buddha, DaVinci, Tesla, Newton and many other random ppl and animals. Reincarnation... Heaven did exist for a few day's created by dead ppl btw, then they threw everyone out because they were fighting like karens, hell is not forever also you go there to repent the kills you made.
The book is making ppl sick the church is making ppl stupid, and i resent that pedophile institution.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Ok. But do you have anything negative to say?
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Dude (Old Spike)
I like how they show Jesus hanging from the cross in front of church,
as if to say look at what happened to this guy, he went in against Rome
as if suffering for what you believe in is the worst thing that can happen to a guy.
Now they define the eternal god to what? 150 pages in a little book? and that is it?
everyone shut up, THE EMPIRE BOOK IS RIGHT.
This is why the left is usual atheist, even god himself :)
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Well, your first statement above about his going against Rome is inaccurate. He famously said 'Give to Cesar what is Cesar's', and never got roped into a rebellion as you suggest above. I particularly enjoy the bit where atheists lay claim to science. You know that most western universities started off being funded by the church, right? I mean, we're not 'giving' you science. You yourself seem to be spouting malapropisms from the book of Dawkins..your lord and saviour.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Never read the book of Dawkins
Science comes from universities? They teach you to be smart? or smart ppl go to universities? Or maybe none of the above? Tesla never finished 2nd year.
And the Vatican invests in everything where there is money to be made.
And it does not surprise me that the church put ppl in dept for most part of their lives, that is what they do, they get your money and keep you running the treadmill.
They need to control your mind or all is lost.
You pay to the church and get a high paying job in return, qualified or not.
I have seen ppl get burned for claiming the earth was round.
And i have seen a priest hold a knife to a kid while he was getting his dick sucked. And that was in 1990
Vatican did nothing BTW, you want to glorify the church some more?
And you do realize the romans killed iesa, the story went around and was used as justification to overthrow the emperors, then they changed the name from IESA to JEZUS :) that is how much they accepted him as their one and only savior, just political justification to get rid of the dictators.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Listen cat. If you have some personal gripe with christianity that's your business. Just don't expect me to applaud when you deliberately spout misused or abused terms. On account of their then global travel, Greek was the lingua franca du jour the way English is today. I know how Jesus was pronounced in the original Aramaic and Greek, the first language it was translated into..and using Iesa, a term that's been borrowed from a reverse-engineered Mithras story is,..well, uninspired. But you do you.
The rest of what you write sounds like US problems and most of us don't want to know.
As for a priest getting sucked off at knife point, be sure and post a link from a credible news agency and maybe some Roman-Catholic can jump to their defense. I will not.
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Dude (Old Spike)
I can see i hit a snare.
Would you leave your kids with an adult who probably never had sex with a woman, and talking about sex, why no female pastors?
These (virgins) apart from kids) are stuck in the past and do more damage then good.
Would you become a pastor? If no is your answer that is because you are normal.
Let me tell you a story i am a Mason, me and my colleague went to the vatican in a UFO we arrive went to his office and he was being held down by a cardinal and fucked by another one, i grabbed a candlestick and beat the cardinal over the head, he pulled his dick out his ass and stepped back, the pope stood up and said that it is it i am done i quit, and so he did.
There was an election for a new pope, me and my colleague were there again, they were all sitting around a table to vote, the vote turned out to be inconclusive so they rubbed chemical on the papers and lit them, me standing next to it, not knowing what this was, because i was a time traveling kid, grabbed a bottle and threw some on there thick white smoke filled the room :) everyone in panic said, you have to choose, i chose the new pope by looks, the firs Jesuit pope ever, he did not know me but called himself Franciscus just like my grandfather, all these coincidences is my life.
Destiny... Faith
It is because of me we bring women to the vatican every 3 months and provide them a picture of the woman of their choosing.
I told the pope that all the pedophilia is bad for the church, he is the first to ban pedophiles from the church so they can be convicted.
Before i said it nobody was doing a damn fucking thing, thats whats wrong.
The point is nobody cares.
At least not enough to do something,
there are those who act, and those who pray to god.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
"You know that most western universities started off being funded by the church, right?"
Who cares? This would have been noteworthy if weren't for the caveat "making sure their agenda is followed". So then the same universities had to be freed of this.
Real educators don't do that.
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Hey dog. Wow, there's a nice connection no one's ever pointed out befoe. I'm curious, what part of their agenda are you referring to. And how's the new agenda in unis working out for you these days.. You know I'm referring to:
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Of course you oppose inclusive treatment of LGBT. "No homo" is promoted in the bible after all.
And just so we're clear: "Prager-U" is NOT a university......
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Bobbob (Site Administrator)
Never heard of Prager.. is that a thing? Like, Ted Talk or something?
Please continue standing on the shoulders of giants to spit on their heads. You're doing great, hypocrite.
(Old Spike)
God does exist, it is me, but i know evolution is real :)
I believe these ppl have been taken in by the bible, as usual it is a bunch of twisted half truth stories and vague references.
God has been killed many times by the church when he came forward, later on even electro shock therapy, yes god himself, Jesus was god so was Mohammed and Buddha, DaVinci, Tesla, Newton and many other random ppl and animals. Reincarnation... Heaven did exist for a few day's created by dead ppl btw, then they threw everyone out because they were fighting like karens, hell is not forever also you go there to repent the kills you made.
The book is making ppl sick the church is making ppl stupid, and i resent that pedophile institution.
(Site Administrator)
Ok. But do you have anything negative to say?
(Old Spike)
I like how they show Jesus hanging from the cross in front of church,
as if to say look at what happened to this guy, he went in against Rome
as if suffering for what you believe in is the worst thing that can happen to a guy.
Now they define the eternal god to what? 150 pages in a little book? and that is it?
everyone shut up, THE EMPIRE BOOK IS RIGHT.
This is why the left is usual atheist, even god himself :)
(Site Administrator)
Well, your first statement above about his going against Rome is inaccurate. He famously said 'Give to Cesar what is Cesar's', and never got roped into a rebellion as you suggest above. I particularly enjoy the bit where atheists lay claim to science. You know that most western universities started off being funded by the church, right? I mean, we're not 'giving' you science. You yourself seem to be spouting malapropisms from the book of Dawkins..your lord and saviour.
(Old Spike)
Never read the book of Dawkins
Science comes from universities? They teach you to be smart? or smart ppl go to universities? Or maybe none of the above? Tesla never finished 2nd year.
And the Vatican invests in everything where there is money to be made.
And it does not surprise me that the church put ppl in dept for most part of their lives, that is what they do, they get your money and keep you running the treadmill.
They need to control your mind or all is lost.
You pay to the church and get a high paying job in return, qualified or not.
I have seen ppl get burned for claiming the earth was round.
And i have seen a priest hold a knife to a kid while he was getting his dick sucked. And that was in 1990
Vatican did nothing BTW, you want to glorify the church some more?
And you do realize the romans killed iesa, the story went around and was used as justification to overthrow the emperors, then they changed the name from IESA to JEZUS :) that is how much they accepted him as their one and only savior, just political justification to get rid of the dictators.
(Site Administrator)
Listen cat. If you have some personal gripe with christianity that's your business. Just don't expect me to applaud when you deliberately spout misused or abused terms. On account of their then global travel, Greek was the lingua franca du jour the way English is today. I know how Jesus was pronounced in the original Aramaic and Greek, the first language it was translated into..and using Iesa, a term that's been borrowed from a reverse-engineered Mithras story is,..well, uninspired. But you do you.
The rest of what you write sounds like US problems and most of us don't want to know.
As for a priest getting sucked off at knife point, be sure and post a link from a credible news agency and maybe some Roman-Catholic can jump to their defense. I will not.
(Old Spike)
I can see i hit a snare.
Would you leave your kids with an adult who probably never had sex with a woman, and talking about sex, why no female pastors?
These (virgins) apart from kids) are stuck in the past and do more damage then good.
Would you become a pastor? If no is your answer that is because you are normal.
Let me tell you a story i am a Mason, me and my colleague went to the vatican in a UFO we arrive went to his office and he was being held down by a cardinal and fucked by another one, i grabbed a candlestick and beat the cardinal over the head, he pulled his dick out his ass and stepped back, the pope stood up and said that it is it i am done i quit, and so he did.
There was an election for a new pope, me and my colleague were there again, they were all sitting around a table to vote, the vote turned out to be inconclusive so they rubbed chemical on the papers and lit them, me standing next to it, not knowing what this was, because i was a time traveling kid, grabbed a bottle and threw some on there thick white smoke filled the room :) everyone in panic said, you have to choose, i chose the new pope by looks, the firs Jesuit pope ever, he did not know me but called himself Franciscus just like my grandfather, all these coincidences is my life.
Destiny... Faith
It is because of me we bring women to the vatican every 3 months and provide them a picture of the woman of their choosing.
I told the pope that all the pedophilia is bad for the church, he is the first to ban pedophiles from the church so they can be convicted.
Before i said it nobody was doing a damn fucking thing, thats whats wrong.
The point is nobody cares.
At least not enough to do something,
there are those who act, and those who pray to god.
(Old Spike)
"You know that most western universities started off being funded by the church, right?"
Who cares? This would have been noteworthy if weren't for the caveat "making sure their agenda is followed". So then the same universities had to be freed of this.
Real educators don't do that.
(Site Administrator)
Hey dog. Wow, there's a nice connection no one's ever pointed out befoe. I'm curious, what part of their agenda are you referring to. And how's the new agenda in unis working out for you these days.. You know I'm referring to:
(Old Spike)
Of course you oppose inclusive treatment of LGBT. "No homo" is promoted in the bible after all.
And just so we're clear: "Prager-U" is NOT a university......
(Site Administrator)
Never heard of Prager.. is that a thing? Like, Ted Talk or something?
Please continue standing on the shoulders of giants to spit on their heads. You're doing great, hypocrite.
(Old Spike)