Bullit proof? I can hear it now: "Challenge accepted, hold my beer!"
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monkeymania (Long Spike)
Travelled to SEC schools for sports years ago and if you weren't aware of things, the overt and ingrained racism that was simply accepted really came as a shock to northerners. Some fucked up people down there and they look at you like you are crazy if you even question their thinking.
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
OK, so we have a case of vandalism. Charge the dumb asses and upon conviction have them pay restitution. Done. Why are people treating this sign like a historical relic? The fact that the sign discusses one particular historical event doesn't mean people need to lose their shit over it.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
hey, if these kids believe in and support the principles set forth in the decleration.... are they alright with you?
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Fullauto223cal (Old Spike)
Well fuck nugget, if they're vandalzing property that doesn't belong to them they obviously don't believe in those principles. So the quite obvious answer to your question is NO.
Also, the partiular principle at play here is not from the Deceleration of Independence but rather the Preamble of the US Constitution. Specificlly the "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility" part. Vandalism of property that does not belong to you is a violation of those principles.
These idiots are no different than ANTIFA faggots and other radical leftists you cheer on who riot and destory property like petulent children when they lose an election.
They should be held accountable like anyone else. If I were the Judge I'd not only sentence them to pay for the new sign, but in leiu of a jail sentence I'd sentence them to aid in the installation of the replacement.
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sal9000 (Old Spike)
well shit stain, i'm canadian, i'm not on a side, i'm in the crowd watching a donkey show
domestic tranq is the feds ability to squash rebellion and beefs between states.
in this retarded fantasy were the kids vandalized the sign and you're the chosen judge to establish justice. you ignore the intent of there actions. that they drove 20-40 miles out of there way, went into a predominantly black neighborhood with guns and shot at a black memorial site. your verdict, is a charge of a misdemeanor. so a fine of up to 1000$ and up to a year, that you reduced to a fine up to 1000$, and 2 hours on a saturday and they got to setup a payment plan with the owner of the sign. now i'm guessing in this retarded fantasy that if all the colors were reverse other than yours,
in this same retarded fantasy where its 3 black kids, driving 20-40 miles out of there way, went into a predominantly white neighborhood with guns and shot at a white memorial site. your verdict would be different, you would start by giving them the max on all charges and fines since they went out with the intent of doing it. give them a misdemeanor for the vandalism but upgraded to reflect that they used a firearm to commit the act. you would have a few charges and fines lined up for the improper use/discharge of a firearm, some fines and charges for sound ordanances.
in this retarded fantasy, how racist are you?
alright so, to get the record straight.
"If you believe in and support the principles set forth by the Deceleration of Independence and US Constitution (which includes the Bill of Rights) then you are alright with me."
people you're not alright with are. people that have a different interpretation of US Constitution, anyone with a misdemeanor charge and up. regardless of how petty the misdemeanor charge is. IE yelling at the neighbor, traffic violations, vandalism, misdemeanor manslaughter.
seems like alot of people you're not alright with.
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ubershin (Old Spike)
I dont even understand what thisis about. are we supposed to ban guns now or are we banning colleges or what is it that we need to ban now??? ban frats? maybe that will do it
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ubershin (Old Spike)
ban memorials obv
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puttefnask (Old Spike)
Shooting at signs from a driving vehicle is a mischievous hobby in certain parts of several countries, often in places where there is very little to do.
But this is in Mississippi.
It's not a shock. For anyone.
It could almost be considered a part of culture down there at this point, but so would shooting at actual people from a driving vehicle in other places, if one were to use that logic.
You're still not anywhere closer to fixing the problem.
Oh yeah, great, make the signs bullet proof.
You would just be giving shitheads with access to firearms and explosives a challenge.
Which will increase not only the public outcry, but the danger to human lives.
And all of that will add to the racial tensions throughout the country leading to even more ridiculous displays of politicians taking advantage of them by using it to virtue signal and promote their way into higher positions of power, with promises they will never keep, while the public is left to fight among themselves which increases incidents where physical violence is used, leaving more people incarcerated, permanent injuries, lives ruined and the quality of life decreases for blacks and whites of all ages and creeds.
(Long Spike)
Bullit proof? I can hear it now: "Challenge accepted, hold my beer!"
(Long Spike)
Travelled to SEC schools for sports years ago and if you weren't aware of things, the overt and ingrained racism that was simply accepted really came as a shock to northerners. Some fucked up people down there and they look at you like you are crazy if you even question their thinking.
(Old Spike)
OK, so we have a case of vandalism. Charge the dumb asses and upon conviction have them pay restitution. Done. Why are people treating this sign like a historical relic? The fact that the sign discusses one particular historical event doesn't mean people need to lose their shit over it.
(Old Spike)
hey, if these kids believe in and support the principles set forth in the decleration.... are they alright with you?
(Old Spike)
Well fuck nugget, if they're vandalzing property that doesn't belong to them they obviously don't believe in those principles. So the quite obvious answer to your question is NO.
Also, the partiular principle at play here is not from the Deceleration of Independence but rather the Preamble of the US Constitution. Specificlly the "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility" part. Vandalism of property that does not belong to you is a violation of those principles.
These idiots are no different than ANTIFA faggots and other radical leftists you cheer on who riot and destory property like petulent children when they lose an election.
They should be held accountable like anyone else. If I were the Judge I'd not only sentence them to pay for the new sign, but in leiu of a jail sentence I'd sentence them to aid in the installation of the replacement.
(Old Spike)
well shit stain, i'm canadian, i'm not on a side, i'm in the crowd watching a donkey show
domestic tranq is the feds ability to squash rebellion and beefs between states.
in this retarded fantasy were the kids vandalized the sign and you're the chosen judge to establish justice. you ignore the intent of there actions. that they drove 20-40 miles out of there way, went into a predominantly black neighborhood with guns and shot at a black memorial site. your verdict, is a charge of a misdemeanor. so a fine of up to 1000$ and up to a year, that you reduced to a fine up to 1000$, and 2 hours on a saturday and they got to setup a payment plan with the owner of the sign. now i'm guessing in this retarded fantasy that if all the colors were reverse other than yours,
in this same retarded fantasy where its 3 black kids, driving 20-40 miles out of there way, went into a predominantly white neighborhood with guns and shot at a white memorial site. your verdict would be different, you would start by giving them the max on all charges and fines since they went out with the intent of doing it. give them a misdemeanor for the vandalism but upgraded to reflect that they used a firearm to commit the act. you would have a few charges and fines lined up for the improper use/discharge of a firearm, some fines and charges for sound ordanances.
in this retarded fantasy, how racist are you?
alright so, to get the record straight.
"If you believe in and support the principles set forth by the Deceleration of Independence and US Constitution (which includes the Bill of Rights) then you are alright with me."
people you're not alright with are. people that have a different interpretation of US Constitution, anyone with a misdemeanor charge and up. regardless of how petty the misdemeanor charge is. IE yelling at the neighbor, traffic violations, vandalism, misdemeanor manslaughter.
seems like alot of people you're not alright with.
(Old Spike)
I dont even understand what thisis about. are we supposed to ban guns now or are we banning colleges or what is it that we need to ban now??? ban frats? maybe that will do it
(Old Spike)
ban memorials obv
(Old Spike)
Shooting at signs from a driving vehicle is a mischievous hobby in certain parts of several countries, often in places where there is very little to do.
But this is in Mississippi.
It's not a shock. For anyone.
It could almost be considered a part of culture down there at this point, but so would shooting at actual people from a driving vehicle in other places, if one were to use that logic.
You're still not anywhere closer to fixing the problem.
Oh yeah, great, make the signs bullet proof.
You would just be giving shitheads with access to firearms and explosives a challenge.
Which will increase not only the public outcry, but the danger to human lives.
And all of that will add to the racial tensions throughout the country leading to even more ridiculous displays of politicians taking advantage of them by using it to virtue signal and promote their way into higher positions of power, with promises they will never keep, while the public is left to fight among themselves which increases incidents where physical violence is used, leaving more people incarcerated, permanent injuries, lives ruined and the quality of life decreases for blacks and whites of all ages and creeds.