The fire occurred in Pobedy Avenue 149 of Orenburg (Russia) on the morning of November 27th 2020. The video shows a man entering the elevator with a glass of ethanol on his way to fix his car. A few moments later he lit a cigarette lighter and started the fire. He had to crawl out of the elevator, simultaneously trying to put out the fire. According to the source, he has burns on 30% of his body. The source also said that the man entered the elevator on the 16th floor, and he managed to leave it only on the first.
(2 votes)
(sounds retarded)
I chuckled a little at first, then thought he'd put it out with his coat, but let out a "Oh My God!" when he stumped over unconscious. That was pretty hard to watch.
Gotta watch it again...
(Old Spike)
How drunk do you have to be?
(sounds retarded)
Everyone else: How drunk do you have to be?
Russian: Yes!
(Old Spike)
was he attempting a flaming shot in the elevator? Looks like he started trying to drink it? Explain
(sounds retarded)
He might have thought it's be super koul to light his cig off the flame from the ethanol.
(Old Spike)
Well the sigarette was lit, only he dint smoke it
(Site Administrator)
burning question here.
why the fuck would you light up a glass of inflammable liquid inside of a small enclosed space that you can't escape from with ease?
(Old Spike)
To win the Darwin award.