Notice how they focus on people suffering without giving facts about disease control & prevention or calling the government response into question.
H1N1 aka 'Swine Flu' was detected in the US in 2005, became a US national concern since 2007 & the outbreak began in April 2009.
May 2009
June 2012
H1N1 reportedly killed 284k in the first year & still kills more than the new coronavirus
Feb 2020 coronavirus reporting
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(Long Spike)
a few things. we use this to see how the chinese didnt learn anything, keep in mind sars was in 2003 and they didnt learn anything from that and with over 1000 deaths. your using a graph with 170 deaths. and your comparing numbers from a month of coronovirus to a year of h1n1. think sum ting is wong
(Long Spike)
also keep in mind all the people that have the virus but wont kill them and the people they give it to and they people give it to and... people are still going to be dying from this in a year from now, maybe longer
(Old Spike)
People are still dying from H1N1. Even in China
>> H1N1 Swine Flu Has Killed 56 In Taiwan Over 3 Months, Possibly More Lethal Than Wuhan Virus
(Old Spike)
chinese didnt learn anything
It was the Americans who didn't learn anything. SARS outbreak was in 2003. H1N1 was in 2009. Apparently the US CDC didn't even declare a national health emergency until 5 months after the outbreak, by which time it had spread all over the world. And they knew about it as a national health concern since 2007. What action did they take?
The proof is in the numbers. Despite being a highly contageous disease, the spread has almost completely been contained. 99% of cases are inside China & 97% are inside Hubei Province.
Here's the head of WHO discussing China's response:
(Old Spike)
WHO just arrived in china today. but the vid you used is from jan 29 2020. if they didnt speak nicely of china, they wouldnt have been allowed in. thats where we are now, we have to speak nicely of a country so we can get access to the country to help its people.
(Old Spike)
China's CDC is a WHO partner. The WHO already has "many global partners who are in China" & "domestic EMTs (emergency medical teams) are going into Wuhan to support their colleagues & being supported from the international networks".
Same video
Your comment about helping is laughable. Have you donated?
FYI - The WHO tends to avoid public criticism to get maximum cooperation, including your country whose president is Donald J Trump, just in case you forgot. The praise alone doesn't mean China is setting a new standard for disease control & prevention. Just look at the facts:
- record genome sequencing speed, shared around the world
- contained the virus to 99% within the country
- shutdown entire cities
- national response like nothing seen before
I remind you that America knew about H1N1 as a national health concern since 2007, 2 years before the global pandemic outbreak.
(Old Spike)
None of you clowns have anything to say about the reporting. Typical.
(Old Spike)
we dont have to do anything, we have hindsight. all we have to do is wait. so in a year from now. if the virus goes sideways and kills millions, we'll be able to look back at you comparing to other virus that by that time, would have killed less. if millions die, we'll be able to look back at your comments like, its not a big deal. or an eye doctor shouldnt have made that statement... its all on you
(Old Spike)
if you wanna wait for a year then wait for a year & STFU. If you wanna talk about history then why not acknowledge the
AmericanSwine Flu that went global & wiped out hundreds of thousands of people? If you wanna compare responses to SARS or H1N1 then go ahead but don't lie about it or you'll be called out on your lies.what exactly is on me?