Where do you start with this one! .... where is the 55 year old gonna go with those jelly legs!? WTF! If left alone will the officer be able to get up again? Why isn't the officer enjoying his pension instead of having to do this bullshit. Why didn't the other officer empty his clip!... why am i laughing so hard that it hurts when crazy legs is trying to get away!
Edit: Didnt notice this clip was edited and they cut away the attempt of the inmate trying to get away on his own two feet. Originally saw this from another source ... my bad!
(1 vote)
(sounds retarded)
Got a link to the full vid?
(Old Spike)
posted here a few days ago https://worldstar.com/video.php?v=wshhJt53942SL05w7vm4
(sounds retarded)
Thanks. Wow! the fat fuck just gave up. Looked like the black dude had a broken leg. Didnt think that one through huh, LOL.
(Old Spike)
Murricar, fuck yeah. And the retards are still complaining that women shoudn't be beat cops, plenty of female officers would have done a better job than uncle fatty.
(sounds retarded)
Really...almost ALL videos I've seen female cops doing the same thing or worse. A very few exceptions, if there are any, does not change that fact. I have yet to ever see a video where a female cop overcomes a male fighting them.
(Old Spike)
"almost ALL videos I've seen female cops doing the same thing or worse"
why do you think that is?
(sounds retarded)
GO ahead, find a some video(s) out there of females cops overcoming a male fighting them.