Yes I would say that's a serious bug in the warning system. Did someone actually forget to toggle the "excercise" button? That's a serious fuck up. I just think it's interesting that Tulsi stands apart as a non-interventionist, unlike the many neocons infecting the Democratic party, and the day after she goes on CNN calling for de-escalation her entire state is told they're about to be nuked "by accident".
BREAKING UPDATE: Dude says he hit the wrong button - see below.
(2 votes)
(Long Spike)
Good practice. Sooner or later rocket boy will launch a nuke.
(Short Spike)
I work downtown Houston so weeks Before Hurricane Ike there were military helicopters flying around daily practising droping off people and leaving quickly and flying around building , Was that a coincidence IDK
so maybe this was a test run something about to come up I think I read a story about drills before 9/11 also
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Mistakes happen.
(Short Spike)
(Long Spike)
What's funny is that if this happened exactly two years ago it wouldn't really be taken seriously by too many people. But now that we got a slathering buffoon in the White House this is totally something that could fucking happen. And if it did happen I'd hold NK responsible but I'd also hold Trump responsible for fueling war rhetoric for fucking retweets.
(Old Spike)
You are right Mr. Fudd. What we should do is bend over and spread our cheeks for little Kim to do whatever he wants for as long as he wants because that's how you defeat evil tyrants. Right? We should take the Neville Chamberlain approach because, you know, that shit worked out so well.
You wanna know why Kim isn't going to do shit? Because Kim is nothing but a tubby little coward. His only real power is that of killing his own enslaved people. He knows full well Trump wouldn't hesitate to blow his shit hole country off the map at the first inkling that he was actually going to launch a nuke. Little Kim wants to hold onto power, that's it.
Why don't you stop being a chicken little and running around screaming about how the fucking world is about to end just because the guy you hate won the 2016 election.
(Long Spike)
Agreed, NK has been our closest ally for decades. If we get nuked it will be because of Trump, not because of the sanctions and millitary drills we've been increasingly implementing since the Bush admin.
(Long Spike)
We literally suffered 0 nuclear missile scares from 2008 to 2016.
(Site Moderator)
That is right, but I really think threatening Kim will be the way forward. If that doesn't stop him, nothing will.
But seriously, to me there's only 3 options.
1. Open up negotiations with NK any way possible. This would require some subtle diplomatic tactics and adult like behavior. Unfortunately Trump does not posses any of these traits. (For some reason, dictators don't respond well to threats and belittling.)
2. Do a pre-emptive strike and kill millions of people.
3. Shut the fuck up and keep a close watch on them, Don't escalate the situation.
(Long Spike)
4. A surgical airstrike that vaporizes that fat fuck and takes out their nuclear capabilities. Then be ready for the attack that would kill millions if they keep playing the game but make them understand their choices.
(Site Moderator)
Risky. If they miss any of the nukes they would be flying towards Hawai or the continental US pretty fast.
(Old Spike)
I think the likelihood that Kim could hit the US with a nuke in the next 5 years is about 1%, but the danger is really that he could try to do it. That's just as bad, because if he tried it would mean a full-scale second Korean war where millions WILL die. There would be no choice.
(Long Spike)
To my knowledge, NK hasn't even figured out hydrogen bombs yet, all they have are boosted uranium based bombs. H bombs are actually the most efficient and destructive form of nuclear weapon. I don't think you could even get a uranium based atom bomb onto a ICBM, they are just way to cumbersome.
(Long Spike)
Definitely. I just think the risk of Kim killing millions of Americans just grows as his technology improves and he is too psycho to wait too long with. I could be wrong.
(Site Moderator)
We don't really know how sane Kim is. He is a dictator, but that doesn't mean he is stupid.
He has to understand that shooting a nuke at the US would mean total annihilation for them.
That is a pretty big deterrent. I don't think he is that batshit crazy to not understand this.
Possibly the only westerner that has some idea whats actually going on in his head is Dennis Rodman.
(Long Spike)
Dennis Rodman being the catalyst that held the key to the formula that would prevent the deaths of millions of people would be the kind of incredible story that would make me smile.......a lot.
No worries though. A stable guy with the best words is in charge of the nuclear arsenal.(Long Spike)
Looks like Dennis Rodman will be busy for a while. War is imminent!
Dennis Rodman’s DUI problems have gone from bad to worse … because he was on probaton during his arrest on Saturday — and it likely means he’ll be thrown in the slammer.
The probation stems from a plea deal Rodman struck over a July 2016 wrong way crash — where he was going the wrong way on an Orange County, CA freeway, struck a car and allegedly fled the scene. Witnesses also saw him drinking at a karaoke bar before the crash but he was not charged with DUI for that incident.
(Old Spike)
And this "scare" was caused by some dumb ass pushing the wrong button. Hell, judging from how fucking crazy the left continues to become it wouldn't surprise me if the person responsible did it on purpose.
This is Regan all over again. The radical left was running around freaking out screaming he was going to end the world and look what happened....jack fucking shit. And the Russians actually had the ability to wipe us out, unlike little fat Kim with a handfull of half-ass missles.
(Long Spike)
Reagan was a litttle scary. Although he didn't have dementia like Trump, he had Alzeimer's. Tensions at the time brought the U.S. and Russia close to war.
I'm sorry but your dear leader that you suck off constantly is a pathological liar, embarrassment, and the worst president in the history of the U.S. Keep clinging to his balls but he is a nightmare.
(Old Spike)