Helicopters have always scared the shit out of me. Poor glide ratio, small prospects of surviving a crash, and the number of crashes all combine to make flying in them unnerving. I've only flown in one once and I have to admit I felt like a billionaire mogul when my girlfriend and I were dropped off at a polo match (bizarre-only one I've ever been to) and people looked at my girlfriend and I like we were famous-I actually looked like a bum and my girlfriend went to school with the pilot.
(7 votes)
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Hey admins, why are most of the new YouTube submissions appearing so small?
(Short Spike)
match your dick size
(Old Spike)
Yeah I've noticed this lately too... will try to make it bigger.
(Old Spike)
Had a close friend in university die while out with her dad. He was learning to fly. :(
(Long Spike)
That absolutely sucks. Learning to fly a helicopter?
(Old Spike)
right. Learning to fly a helicopter.
(Old Spike)
I used to ride in a helicopter 2+ times a day every day for work. I actually really enjoyed flying in them and felt pretty safe, but its always in the back of your mind that shit can hit the fan. For us fog/weather and mountain conditions was a bigger risk than mechanical failures. Once you're above the "dead man's curve" they're pretty safe. If the machine is moving two slow relative to its altitude you just drop like a stone, but if you have enough forward velocity relative to its altitude you can safely land, and in a much smaller area than fixed wing aircraft. Autorotation landings are incredibly soft, but you only get one shot at it.