her last rant

sal9000's picture

Ashli Babbitt in a RANT!!!

"Could you please write a description for this post?" -skeptoid

Average: 5 (5 votes)


boldfart's picture

I think I am in love.

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skeptoid's picture

Could you please write a description that describes what we're seeing and listening to here?

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Dagambit's picture

Just my opinion but,


Sounds like a person who is fed up with the city/state/country's current stasis and is demanding change. Interestingly she mentions to do this the right way, when she was shot, in the capitol, going through a window because the doors were baracaded to keep her out. She is feeling the same as a lot of people right now upset with the system, who feel like their voices aren't being heard. 


With over a 1000 affidavits, the fraud should have been looked into and televised for transparency immediatley and then since everyone else is so sure fraud didn't happen, then it will prove this was a fair election and all claims could be dismissed. Weird how the MSM covered Russia colusion with no issues pretty closely, even with Adam Schiff lying about evidence he didn't have, and just being divisive as possible, and when it came time to embarass Trump and show the world how much he is lying to the people about voter fraud... crickets for court rooms and media talking points. 

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hellyeah's picture

ooohh she s from california, than i understand
Dumbanddumber California GIF - Dumbanddumber Dumb California - Discover &  Share GIFs

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scott5017's picture

This woman was shot? I get it.

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skeptoid's picture

This is close, but not quite what I'm looking for. Anyone want to describe what we're seeing and listeining to here in detail, and how they feel about it?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

its the backstory of a crisis actor paid by george soros to manipulate trump into conceding. it's all deep state

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skeptoid's picture

Insincere - None of you are brave enough to say what you actually think and feel about her and what happened to her.

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subroutine's picture
front page

must be some kind of antifa narrative ...

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skeptoid's picture


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boldfart's picture




Ironically, other angles of the shooting show this coward gasping in disbelief after he realizes Babbit has been shot. About a minute after the shooting, he is seen on the stairway clutching his fur hat and crying like a baby.




Astoundingly, the FBI and media have entirely ignored this person's existence while instead choosing to focus on oddball idiots like the guy on Nancy Pelosi's desk, or the painted-face horn guy. In a fair world, he would have been shot the moment he began to smash out windows with his bare fists to get at members of Congress. Instead, he bravely threw a woman into the window to take the bullet that he rightfully earned. This pile of **** should be #1 on the FBI most wanted list.


A brainless bimbo screaming at her 'phone when she was supposed to be driving?

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nakedslave's picture

This Woman is MORE Patriot and did MORE for her country then most of you guys will ever do in your entire life combined with your family. She served in the military 14 years so you Bitches can sit behind your Computer and act like BetaCucks.  Media labelling her as a Terrorist when Antifa and BLM has been burning cities all year.   

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ubershin's picture

We need to take Mike Malice's advice and just stop trying to make sense of the Left's propaganda or trying to change minds because it really doesn't benefit anything. It is what it is. Just keep supporting the martyrs until the time's right 

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ubershin's picture

You don't expect someone in a wheelchair to get up and run. It's the same logic after talking to Leftists that claim trump is a coup or whatever because this is the narrative that the media will keep on repeat and most mindless drones will keep that viewpoint regardless of what you say and label you crazy/racist whatever. You can't gain anything from arguing so just LAY LOW

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skeptoid's picture

Insincere and insincere.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Untill the time is right? i can get you questioned by the FBI for talking like that, there go's your free speech

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

so true. nobody knows how she flew a jet fighter during the dominos/kfc war of 2012. its people like her that secured the chicken stripes for future generations. may she rest in pepperoni

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skeptoid's picture


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skeptoid's picture


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

lol "you bitches" like yourgoodself.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

In the military you learn to follow orders by superiors, she did not, follow the orders and got the big one right in her throat, she can suck it up and start a new life, or wander around aimlessly for eternity

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Dagambit's picture

I served my country honorably and I didn't break into a building, or go into a building I KNOW I wasn't supposed to be in, then try to get through doors that were baracaded and eventually try to go through a broken window with people on the otherside pointing weapons at you. All to intimmidate the politicians into doing what you want? That my friend is a terrorist. Plain and simple. You don't start at the capitol, they are a problem, but not the problem in this instance. You start in the city and or state. Go occupy your city / state government (outside, peacefully). 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, but you are an adult with a reasonable sense of reality and what is right or wrong. The amount of clowns on here are undeniable proof that there are quite a few too many that are not. 

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Dagambit's picture

I do believe that is an unsarcastic complement! I will enjoy this moment as we seem not to agree on things of this nature very often. 

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Evulva 1's picture

She died for that.

Actually sad

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skeptoid's picture


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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

so you are telling us what the right thing is to feel?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

He is losing it a little more every day. 

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Evulva 1's picture

STFU you reality challenged turd hurler.



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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

She was described by her ex (of course) husband as "loud but also loving", the first part was definitely true.


She was a very good example how dumb and deluded the military wants their low-ish rank personnell.

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