HitB Justice League

skeptoid's picture

Half in the Bag Episode 135: Justice League

Will RLM once again be accused of being shills for Marvel? I don't know - I'm going to watch the movie before I see this review.

Average: 5 (1 vote)


skeptoid's picture

Meh. Okay I guess. There wasn't a LACK of chemistry between them. Trigger warning: A lot of Christ symbology in the last act. UPDATE: Oh that makes sense - Joss Whedon did reshoots. That's why there's chemistry between the characters sometimes.

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danmanjones's picture

I would have prefered they reviewed Thor Ragnorok. I don't even need to see Justice League to know it's garbage.

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skeptoid's picture
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danmanjones's picture

cheers :)

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ninjzz3.0's picture

drunk idiots prob dont even read comics talking aboout something they dont know anything about. My opnion that was the best Batman ( comic cartoon copy) so far

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skeptoid's picture

Well you'll be upset to know that Ben Affleck wants out of the franchise. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on all of the Christ symbology throughout this Snyder series?

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Grothesk's picture

At this point you can't expect audiences to "know about" the comic books.  The comic book industry has been dead and dying for the past 25 years and the iterations of every single one of these characters has very little to do with the "actual" comic book characters.  How far back into the Batman catalog should these reviewers or would I have to read to REALLY know what I'm talking about?  Batman's first appearance was in 1939 so from what year forward should I have read the comics?  


Movies need to stand on their own merit.  You can't sit there and point at the source material and tell reviewers they don't know what they're talking about because the movie itself should be able to stand on its own two legs.  Or should I spend 9 months reading 78+ years of Batman content to prepare myself for Ben Affleck to shoot a weird-ass gun in the Justice League movie so I can REALLY say I know what's going on?

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