Holy Sh*t

hello kitty's picture

Watch Morning Joe Highlights: Feb. 26 | MSNBC

**Part I'm talking about is @13:30** 

This is scary rhetoric. Alienating an entire demographic, that is most certainly not homogeneous, only turns a bunch of people who nay not have been, into enemies. It certainly destroys any hope for meaningful dialog. Communication, respect and empathy are some of the ways you bridge gaps and learn about each other. I'm not rural, I live in a big ol' city, but having family in Iowa and Pennsylvania I certainly know you can't classify "rural people" as one big lump, nevermind the ludicrous views they are claiming this made up "threat to the United States" (really?!) has. This is a whole different level of incitement. Don't take the bait, either side. j/s

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lawngnome's picture

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sal9000's picture
front page

well, you've only been on this site for "10 months". this site has conversations going back 10 years with people that would identify as this demographic and buddy, the last thing they'd be doing is looking for meaningful conversation

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hello kitty's picture

hey! I had an account on spikedhumor! cheeky

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Dude: what are their (rural white voters) aspirations.

Lady: to be rich.


says it all. right there. nuff said.

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Pdub's picture

I guess they are voting republican after hearing this.

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