- A bill was proposed in HK that would give the central government a legal channel to prosecute serious criminals residing in HK.
- It was seen (rightly or wrongly) as an encroachment on HK's autonomy, protests ensued & the bill was killed within 2 weeks.
- 6 months later a bill is passed by a powerful foreign state that undermines HK's sovereignty & autonomy & could lead to sanctions that would decimate the HK economy & render it just another city in China.
- These kids are celebrating the "Hong Kong Freedom and Democracy Act" because it makes them feel warm & fuzzy.
Never go full Hong Kong.
(6 votes)
(Old Spike)
The HK education system holds clues as to why these kids are so messed up... they're politicised from an early age & taught to hate & look down on their cousins across the border.
History shows that ethno-superiority complexes can come back to bite you in the ass. Just ask the Germans or their Jewish mates.
(Long Spike)
History shows a lot.
(Old Spike)
Indeed. Happy thanksgiving.
(Long Spike)
Killing off the indigenous peoples who were in North and South America was a black mark on history. Mao and "The Great Leap Forward" resulting in the deaths of probably 30 million people around the ancient year AD 1960!(though Dinmin-type apologists say that number was closer to a paltry 4 million) was a triumph of history. Wu mao forever!
(Old Spike)
AFAIK it was 5-10 million people who starved to death during the GLF. Still a colossal fuck up & the CCP has officially acknowledged it as such...
"After the Third Plenary Meeting of the CCP Eleventh Central Committee (December 1978) passed the resolution to criticize Mao’s mistakes during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution"
The closest the US government has gotten to criticising the genocide of the native Americans was an apology tacked onto a military spending bill in 2009.
Hypocrite DayThanksgiving!(Long Spike)
LOL Dinmin, you are one deluded fellow.
(Old Spike)
..says the guy who thinks 30 million people starved to death during the GLF.
cool pic btw.
(Long Spike)
Yeah. Research your 5-10 million dead from the great famine between 1959 - 1961. Seriously. That's a complete joke.The fact that you wrote that as your estimate is all anyone should ever have to read from you. Peruse a few sources outside of your CCP bubble and wu mao training manual.
TYOD. Commonly known to Chinese citizens and was mentioned to me while there quietly as the "Three Years of Great Famine", the Chinese Communist party officially labeled it "Three Years of Natural Disasters" to remove any fault of Chairman Mao - it was bad luck/bad weather/etc and then after enough who survived/remembered it were dead, later renamed it the "Three Years of Difficulty" like it was a mild flu epidemic. Estimates by historians range from a low of 18 million to 56 million dead.
(Old Spike)
LOL. Yang Jisheng, is a disredited anti-CCP dissident. The fabrications & dodgy math used in the book you're citing are exposed here. It's true was famine & natural disasters during that time. It's also true that the CCP has officially criticised its policies & deemed them mistakes.
How many native Americans died from the deliberate genocide by your country?
Has your government ever criticised its genocidal policies during that period?
Or do they continue to this day exploiting land of native Americans & breaking deals when capitalist interests demad it?
There's a key difference between the mass starvation brought on by famine during the GLF and the genocide of the natives in your country.... one was a serious blunder that's been criticised & corrected. The other was deliberate & continues to this very day in that "beacon of human rights" of yours. Should we talk about what your "freedom loving" empire is doing in foreign lands now?
40,000 people per year are dying needlessly due to sanctions imposed in Venezuela by your country, monkey. This is right now. Today. And that's just 1 of the countries it's using economic terrorism to make the lives of the most weak & vulnerable miserable.
People in glass houses...
(Long Spike)
Whataboutism is central to wu mao redirection technique. You have grown wiser, grasshopper.
On the subject of the "Three Years Of Difficulty", I would say that your estimate is way off. 5-10 million huh? I would never argue with you on that. You are too gone.
The "Difficulty" was just a simple blunder, I know.
In Xinyang, people starved at the doors of the grain warehouses. As they died, they shouted, "Communist Party, Chairman Mao, save us". If the granaries of Henan and Hebei had been opened, no one need have died. As people were dying in large numbers around them, officials did not think to save them. Their only concern was how to fulfill the delivery of grain.[9]
(Old Spike)
This whataboutism was started by you, look above. I brought up the genocide of the native Americans & you replied by talking about the mass starvation during the GLF.
Womp womp. Stop owning yourself, buddy.
And tell these people Happy
Hypocrisy DayThanksgiving from me if ya see them...(Long Spike)
OK. Dinmin. It's nap time.