Without the video, that is a "Racist police shoot unarmed African American with his hands up in a case of mistaken identity" story with Black Lives Matter, his family, and his neighborhood protesting against the police.
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Champ (Short Spike)
I never understood the logic of hostage taking. It's a no-win scenario. You can't kill your hostage, or else you lose all your leverage and the police will then just walk right right up and arrest you.
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Kaolla (Long Spike)
Fake news, I didn't see a single action movie star among any of these scenes!
(Old Spike)
(Long Spike)
Without the video, that is a "Racist police shoot unarmed African American with his hands up in a case of mistaken identity" story with Black Lives Matter, his family, and his neighborhood protesting against the police.
(Short Spike)
I never understood the logic of hostage taking. It's a no-win scenario. You can't kill your hostage, or else you lose all your leverage and the police will then just walk right right up and arrest you.
(Long Spike)
Fake news, I didn't see a single action movie star among any of these scenes!
EDIT: Also, that Bonus was pretty awesome.
(Long Spike)
good eye, sniper