How Did This Happen?


Grothesk's picture

Maybe have a compelling villain to offset the boring heroes?

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danmanjones's picture

Ask Jeeves lol. 

A big problem with the DC movies is the Superman actor has zero charisma.

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gardendaleguy's picture

i didnt think the movie was.."terrible"....but they should've made Superman's return be the arc of the story, making him the main villain , killing Steppenwolf like he was nothing....only to come out at the end, when all hope was lost, regain his senses....(Bruce Wayne brought out 'the big guns' too early) ...  regardless, i will only be happy when i see a Flash movie.

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Maxpower's picture

I think the problem is DC sucks, and Batman is the only character they have that's worth a damn.


Also, they skipped the romance and went straight to trying to blow their load on everyone. These characters, if they want people to give a fuck about what happens to them, need their own movie where they have time to develop. A 3-minute overview in the previous film isn't a sufficient introduction. DC is clearly envious of that Marvel Cinematic Universe money, but they don't want to put the time and money into doing it right, so you get this shit.

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